The Messy is avery messy track and if you fall off your out Download link will be up soon Here are some pic [/COLOR][/U] [U][COLOR=#666666][IMG]
You should add the download link when you create the thread. But the track looks nice in the "messy" sense. I do not see a gate to gain a point for a lap. Also I don't see anywhere where the track goes back past the start (i.e. continious). Does the map continue; or is it just a sprint to the finish?
It looks good, but I noticed something in picture 3, those stairs on the north... are they part of the track. As for the map it's not messy at all, in fact I like the idea of going underneath the racetrack as well.
i think the he meant that he wanted it to look messy and it does sort of but he also took the initiative to make the track clean also 4/5