Now there've been threads similar to this. Such as: Coolest Person on Forgehub Favourite Forgers on Forgehub Coolest person is similar to what I'm doing but it is different too. Who are your favourite hubbers? Their maps have nothing to do with this. Who are your favourite hubbers based on their posts, their punctuation, whether they're helpful, whether they're friendly, the hilarious or interesting things they've find and post(like funny pics in the om nom thread, or great articles in the general chat section), How they set out their threads, (doesnt apply to all) their moderational skills. So not just "*this guy*, his maps are awesome." Put thought into it. Say why they're your favourite hubber.
Linue. I'm sorry for your loss. anyway... Mr. Moustache, cause he talks Nirvana in my thread goodwhalesushi, cause he sets me up for 'that be what she said' And of course, Jesus Lizard, cause he is the only thing that tank doesn't beat.
I'd have to say All of the people who spend their time in off topic. They're a great bunch, but I'd have to go with Titmar, the OM NOM thread just basically made him the best Hubber, or at least the funniest. And no i'm not a kiss ass.
Well linubidix.. i like you alot cause your cool and you do G&A Y35 is awesome. all his scene girls and such.. as well as being my friend.. Reaper of Bunny is gone in maine but he is my neighbor and hes pretty cool cause he has taught me alot about photoshop. squidhands is awesome for his name and his signatures.. and he is like the coolest staff member IMO
Please dun all rush to say mah name at once, I know ur gunna anyway tho, sigh, thats teh problemo with being so dam awesome. Anyway, I luv Rain, Tion, Chips... Insane, gunz... people. ya basically thats it.
I'll be the first one to me mature I think Reyn and TX are my favorite Reyn because hes a friend on here and on other places and speaks his mind And tex because he likes my friend and he cant do anything else but look at the one picture i posted mwa ha ha
I'm going to have to say Furious D 18, curse all you who don't know him. Back in the day when you'd see him around a lot he would always have something nice or constructive to say about anything. Shout out to AZN FTW too, an excellent forger while he was around.
Gawsh there's quite a few... Tex, Sticky, Aspy, Chips, Nick and a few others. Why? All for different reason but mostly because they all flirt with me very well.
I have the upmost respect for rusty eagle. He is straight to the point and isn't afraid to speak his mind, which the majority of the time is right on the money.
Problem with Forgehub today. I'd have to say Insane, Sarge and sometimes Reynbow(he can be obnoxious).
I fully expect everyone in this thread to exclaim, 'Why, Nemi, of course!' In all seriousness, my favorite hubbers are Titmar, Reynbow, and Bnasty. There's a common factor that is shared among them that makes me laugh.
Tis a good quote, and probably one of the few that would be more entertaining in context. In many ways I'd have to say Reynbow as well. Whilst its true that you're brazen aggression often makes me wince, its good to have someone with such a strong moral and social conscience around. Other hubbers would have to be DtL, Furious, Tex and Dom. When I was starting out here all of them were helpful and encouraging towards me, and now that I've settled in they're proved themselves as stand-up guys and good friends on the forum.
Even though I honestly have no idea who you are, [I rarely venture out of the General chat and Off Topic section as of late] that actually means quite a lot to me. To actually realise I'm not just trying to be an arse, but I actually 'care' about what I'm saying. Though I do realise some of my posts are pureily for entertainment. EDIT: For your entertainment, the quote in context.