
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RadiantRain, Aug 10, 2008.

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  1. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    There really is no answer to why people do certain things. They act like dicks just because they can, because they know no other way to act, have never talked to a girl before, or because there friends are over and they act like jerks online to try and be 'funny' or cool'.
    I don't really agree with that last statement. Plenty of both women and men exploit sex.
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Damn right I do.
    This reverence that you hold is pretty ****ing creepy, though.

    In all seriousness, the best thing I'd suggest is just be yourself. If anyone tries to harass you by saying something like 'suck my ****' or whatever, just insult them back and say something like, 'what ****?'
  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Oh ok, that’s a good first impression, insulting me…For the second part you may be right, that’s just me though.

    Hmm… Ok, but I don’t know. But if the other guys are dicks, they will laugh at the guy I insulted, and then he will say something else… Might as well try, I should experiment.
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Don't sink down to their level. At the end of the day, they wish they were your friend
  5. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    What? My intent wasn't to insult you I was just stating my opinion of why people act arrogant and make racist/sexist comments on the internet.
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I believe RadiantRain was referring to them, not you.

    Norlinsky: You may be right, but at this point of the day, they're insulting you.
    #26 Nemihara, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  7. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    But at this point of the day, their brain cells don't function. They're basically vegetables moving their thumbs on a joystick
  8. zoltan0

    zoltan0 Ancient
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    I usually don't care. I see alot of guys go and try so desperatly to be funny or talk as much as possible to girls on xboxlive. To me, a girl is just another person on xbox live. I might not talk as much trash to you, but i'm not ganna be begging for your attention.
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yes, what Nemi said. Sorry for the confusion, I should be more directive at who I'm talking to.

    Ok, That's a bit scary, but really if they want my attention, just send me a freinds request. It's not like I'll eat them :haha:
  10. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    lol thats not how i act.. im usually interested that there is a girl playing because i dont know many girls that play, but i dont try to sound perverted about it or anything.. i just think its cool that girls play.. like nemi said just report them. if you like to forge or play customs add me. i promise i can find a party that wont harass you
  11. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Here's the heart of the problem: This is Xbox Live. Any old person can hop on and use their anonymity to act out of term. Another issue is that games are still considered a male hobby. Until the male/female ratio evens out, this is how things are going to be. Xbox Live is filled with the immature teenage group, so that's instantly causing their newfound sexuality to be fired off at anyone else who can't physically retaliate. In the world of PC gaming, it's a little different, since servers have admins that usually make sure everyone's enjoying themselves. There's also the issue of the general audience being in their later teens and beyond, meaning that their sexuality has cooled down and is more under control. Also, the more ignorant and immature people aren't going to take the time to figure out how PCs and PC gaming works, so they quit before they can start up a nasty tirade.

    The point is, as long as Xbox Live is populated by junior high and high school kids, and as long as there are way more male gamers than female ones, this is what you're going to have to put up with. There's not too much you can do. Report, put on a tough outer façade, and sling a few insults back (don't get too heavy-hitting, teen males have very thin skin), and that should help to level the playing field a little in the meantime. And by meantime, I mean the next few decades.
  12. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    this is the type of stuff that drives me off the deep end. Just ignore them. they just want your attention. I personally try to talk to everyone to try and get everyone elses opinion or viewpoint.. just submit a bad player review and you should never play with them again. :)
  13. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Jeez... Um wow. Long reply. Ok... Where to start:confused:, Oh yes... I will take this into consideration, and your right about High School, and middle school. But is this a real reason to tell me to Go suck ****, or can I shove it up your ass... I don't think there is a moral into saying this at all... Mabye there is puberty. But Aren't boys suppose to mature during Puberty... And if not, they do start liking Female's, sexually... So why insult Female. It really confuses me. The good news is, your all Males, or at least most of you, so I really am glad that there are some mature audiences out there.:monitor:

    Why thank you... I would add you, but problem is that I'm trying to get my Xbox fixed, and there seems to be problems, because I have not gotten an Email I was suppose to get.

    But really that helped..

    And to everyone who helped me out, I don't mean to sound like your mother, but you are all really good people, or at least that's what I think about you...
    #33 RadiantRain, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  14. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    haha you wouldnt belive how much of my gal-friends sound/act like my mother..

    and i would say about half of all boys do not mature during puberty. they mature when they do or say something extremely stupid and get scared half to death by it... luckily that happened before i hit puberty for me =P i was messing around with my friends at a theme park and i "made up" the word limburger. i was just saying it and some guy comes up and asks what i just said to his son.. and he was buff and wearing a wifebeater shirt. funny now... scary then.
    #34 Knight Kninja, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  15. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    I say they're douchebags. I could say more but there may be small children around.
  16. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    *cough* ironic *cough*

    did you hear something?? but yeah i concur goodwhale
  17. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I can haz good people status?

    As for why people act like douchebags to girls, like Knight said, it's the anonymity part. Their GT is something that they can discard that won't affect them.
  18. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Not mine. It's zTo Norlinsky. Easy to trace that name
  19. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    But honestly, I don't think anything more can be added to this conversation that hasn't been said already. (unless someone should take the opposite side)
  20. The God of Grunge


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    Man there are some stupid ****ing kids on xbox live. I was a game of team slayer once, and these two douche bags were making fun of a girl on my team. She ended up getting 37 kills. And then, and I still lol to this day, after the game, the kids were like, "Omg I love you your beastly", and she was like, "Suck it." You had to have been there.

    I do congradulate you for the Crackdown playing. I love that game.
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