Download Breezeway Download Evenball Gametype I present to you all my fifth competitive map, known as Breezeway The eerie whistle of the wind through these forgotten halls reminds us that greatness is short-lived. 4-12 players Breezeway was built on Rat’s Nest, and essentially blocks off the outer ring of the map. Though you might think that it “took no skill to make” or “anyone could do this,” you’re wrong. Breezeway was built to prove that you could actually make something great out of Rat’s Nest’s completely pathetic Forge palette, and I think I’ve done so with this map. It is compatible with all gametypes, and was not budget glitched. Unlike the many other “blocked off” Rat’s Nest variants, I’ve included an extra tunnel on each side, as well as some cool new features like the Tumbling Box and KOTH Hills that are multi-storied. When making this map, I had to resort to some fairly archaic methods of blocking off areas, including using Teleporters and Weapon Holders to stabilize Containers. Sue me. Regardless, the map plays very smoothly, and is of a large enough size to accommodate a medium sized party very well. Capture the Flag games on Breezeway are epic, and whenever I play CTF here I always get a Beaver Creek vibe from it. SWAT is also a great gametype on this map, and never ceases to be fun. Backstory UNSC forces initially built this warehouse as a holding facility for numerous army munitions and supplies; it was an armory of sorts. However, when the Red vs. Blue war broke out, two opposing Generals (a Red General and a Blue General) were stationed in the facility. Each quickly laid claim to one half of the warehouse, and painted what they could with their team’s color. An intense standoff between the two sides followed, with neither giving up any ground. Control of the center portion of the warehouse was never established by either team, and the war dragged on and on. As the months became years, the UNSC apparently forgot about the warehouse. One day, food and supplies didn’t come to the warehouse, and from that day forward food and supply shipments became more and more sparse. The starving residents of the warehouse were driven into insanity by a lack of proper nutrition, and began practicing the forbidden art of “team killing” in their state of madness. The anarchic killing eventually led to cannibalism, and it wasn’t long until one lone soldier remained in the warehouse. The soldier, driven to insanity, developed a severe case of obsessive compulsive disorder (commonly known as OCD), and began to move everything in the warehouse about in such a manner as to make it all totally symmetrical along the center axis. The poor soldier toiled and toiled until his work was complete, at which point he suffered a simultaneous heart attack and stroke, as well as several external blood vessel ruptures, and bled out in the middle of the warehouse. It is said that his blood still lies there today, blackened and embedded in the floor. If you’re wondering why the story is so gruesome, it’s because someone asked me why the floor in the middle of Rat’s Nest was black. So I came up with a creative explanation. (If you happen to be the person that asked me that, I hope you’re happy with what you’ve done.) Map Structure, Layout, and Features Red Side, as the name might suggest, is Red in color. OMG NO WAI. YA WAI. The innermost part of Red Base is fairly small on the bottom, but large on top. Weapons in that general area include a pair of SMGs, a pair of Plasma Rifles, two Plasma Grenades, a BR, and a Bubble Shield. The outermost portion of Red Base is very open, and a great place to pick up kills. Weapons include a BR, a Brute Shot, and a Tripmine. The back tunnel of Red base was designed specifically for all of you aspiring ninjas. The Shotgun in there is for trigger happy people. The map’s Center area is divided into three main sections. The walkway across the center holds a Rocket Launcher. The bridges in the previous screen lead to the High section of the map, which has a Hammer and a BR. Objectives often spawn here. Opposite the High side of the map is the Low side, which contains an Overshield and a mysterious teleporter… The Teleporter in the previous picture leads to an open Container far up in the sky known as the Tumbler; it can be dislodged by a well placed explosive blast. A Needler inside the Tumbler provides an incentive for you to get your ass up there. And now, a simple view across the bottom of the map. Blue Side is just like Red Side, except mirrored (and, you guessed it, Blue). The inner part of Blue Side is smaller and more catered toward close-quarters combat. Weapons in that general area include a pair of SMGs, a pair of Plasma Rifles, two Plasma Grenades, a BR, and a Bubble Shield. The outer area of Blue Side is larger and more wide-open. Weapons include a BR, a Brute Shot, and a Tripmine. The back tunnel of Blue Side houses a Shotgun. And you can use it to inflict campy doom upon your foes. Until you realize how heavily nerfed it is by its 150 second spawn time and lack of any spare clips. Action Screens The Tumbler is knocked down by a Rocket, with poor and helpless me inside... The Hammer effectively stops Flag carriers. Proof! The Flag effectively stops idiots that rush into the carrier. Proof! Offense wins games, but Defense wins championships. N… INJA!!!! (in case you don’t understand, a player used stealthy defense to assassinate a potential flag-stealer) Evenball Gametype Because the default FFA Oddball gametype sucks major nads and makes “running away” a desirable strategy, my friends and I devised a better game utilizing the gametype back at a LAN a few months ago. When I made this map, I realized that the gametype would be great for it, so I redesigned Evenball a little bit and gave the ball carrier a little extra damage resistance. The name “Evenball” is a clever mutation of the Oddball name, as it is almost the opposite of normal Oddball. In Evenball, you can only score points by beating people down with the ball in your hands. Killing anyone that’s not carrying the ball results in you losing points, so you must be careful as to who you shoot. Of course, the gametype gets even more complicated. If you’re shooting the ball carrier, and they drop the ball (while you finish the kill), you’ll lose points for having killed a non-ball carrier. This type of scenario leads to many awkward standoffs and harsh betrayals by those you consider to be your best friends, and if you’re playing with anyone else in the room, you’ll more than likely attempt to punch them at times for being evil and mean. Evenball promotes **** moves and shenaniganry, and even complex thinking, many things you don’t find in a typical Halo gametype. Which is why I recommend you download it. Download Evenball Gametype Evenball Screens: Punching is so fun! Getting punched, on the other hand, isn’t so fun… Recommended Gametypes Multi Flag CTF Assault Slayer Team Slayer Crazy King Territories Land Grab Flag Rally Oddball Evenball Breezeway Weapons/Equipment List 1 Rocket Launcher (1 spare clip, 180 sec respawn) 1 Gravity Hammer (150 sec respawn) 2 Shotguns (0 spare clips, 150 sec respawn, not placed at start) 2 Brute Shots (1 spare clip, 60 sec respawn) 1 Needler (2 spare clips, 60 sec respawn) 5 BRs (2 spare clips, 45 sec respawn) 3 ARs (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn) 4 SMGs (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn) 4 Plasma Rifles (30 sec respawn) 2 Spikers (2 spare clips, 30 sec respawn) 2 Frag Grenades (20 sec respawn) 4 Plasma Grenades (10 sec respawn) 2 Bubble Shields (90 sec respawn) 2 Tripmines (90 sec respawn) 1 Overshield (150 sec respawn) Download Breezeway Download Evenball Gametype A huge thanks goes out to everyone that downloads as well as everyone that helped me test this map. I hope you all enjoy Breezeway, and look out for more maps made by Debo37 in the future! Please leave a comment!
First of all, excellent post. I really like the way you made the middle section, with the high side and low side. I do think the shotty hallways could get a little campy, but overall I have to say I love this map.
First off, what a wonderful post. Looks like one of the better rat's nest maps. That's impressive as it offers little forging opportunities. The story, well. Um, it was brilliant. I love it, probably one of the best stories for a map I've heard in quite some time. Layout looks really good, I think you could've had few more tunnels. I couldnt think to have a map set out like that[/sarcasm] J/K, it seems like you've blocked it off in all of the appropriate areas. The weapons seem balanced. Although I think the hammer may be too much but I havent played the map yet, so I'm probably wrong. The choice to have it semi hidden I dont really like. Everything else weapon-wise seems like it'll work very well for some great team games. The tumbler sounds like a great feature. A stay on the swings style spot in a competetive map sounds awesome. I really respect that you dont stick purely to Foundry with your maps. Onto Evenball: It sounds epic. I can see it altering relationships, and during LANs I can see fists flying. Does it work for other maps, or is it specifically set up for Breezeway? I say, another great addition Debo. Because its Rat's Nest, a lot of though must go into a map to make it an original experience. It looks as if you've put a lot of consideration into this. Well done.
this looks like a nice map and it is a really nice map because it is rats nest so it is a really good job and it looks like a very well made map
another good map debo, i had fun playtesting it with you. Im glad you made a ratsnest map, there arnt many out there, oddball is a blast on this i feel like im constanlty moving trying to keep the ball, nicley done blocking off different parts of the map too, it flows well.
I played Forge with this guy once!!! First off Wow. Second off Wow. This looks like a great map for ctf. It reminds of the good ol days. Two Bases, Two Flags, One Victor(Unless its a tie but thats different ) 5/5 great post, great map.
DEBO! THIS MAP SUXORZ =D *Now being serious* I have to admit, this was a really good idea. although i've always thought of doing something similar to this... It's pretty much Rat's Nest without the big Circuit and vehicles. which is a pretty epic map IMO. from my small experience playing this map in early stages. it was great. The weapon placement and choice seems almost perfect now, and i can see how you made this map revolving around Evenball (Most epic game in the world) but i really can't say much now... i'll have to play a couple games to get some real good gameplay feedback... be back then. P.S. MOAR INTERLOCKING!#!@$%@%^! =D
Believe it or not, there are actually two incidences of interlocking on this map. :O Took some mega skillz, if I might add. XP Anyway, I'm working on a Team Evenball gametype, but I haven't worked out the kinks all the way yet. When it's ready for testin' I'll tell ye. Thanks for the comment!
I rememmber playing infection and CTF on this map and the only problems with infection was that there was lots of spawn killing but CTf worked well if both teams didnt just camp. The map works well with objective games well.
FYI, I fixed infection. Zombies now start out at the Hammer area, and Humans are split between spawns in either deep Red base or deep Blue base. That makes for some interesting and cool games. As for CTF, the main camping problem were the then overpowered Shotguns. I fixed that, as they now have no spare clips, don't spawn at the start of the round, and have a hefty 150 second respawn time. You saw a really early version of it, and now "it all be fix't!"
This is the map that you had named 'RNS', right? cause i remember playing some shitty juggernaut game you made, lol. evenball is really fun, even if it does have kind of a lame name.I'm ashamed to say I still are confused by the layout of the inside of Rat's nest this wuz fun on ctf, but not assault. especially not neutral assault. that was not fun. LIEK GEWD MAP 1234567890/123456789 LULZ
Haha.. My friend Ty would have such an arguement with you over your name and picture and say he likes Grunge more... He knows every little detail there is to know about Nirvana and uh... Alice in Chains? I like The Smashing Pumpkins myself, but Nirvana is good too. Now if we get out of detail, then my favorite band is The Strokes.. Now as for the map... It looks nice, but a little open.
Yeah, this is RNS's final version. And ROFL at the Juggernaut gametype. How can you not like Grandpa Jenkins Dash? xP High intensity, low speed! Verrrrrrrry low speed! Thanks for the comment, and I hope you enjoy the map!
Amazing post you did there. As for the map itself, it doesnt look very altered to me. But, since its by Debo37. I will not judge by its cover. I will download for now and possibly get back with results. Or I may just tell you somewhere else.
Wow. Interesting looking map thus far mate. Almost like a pure foundry built map without the ugly walls and boxes. Will give it a download and hopefully have a better review for you before the end of the night but thus far I see nothing that I wont enjoy. And good on you for using Rat's Nest. An under rated map in my opinion. Ok had a 3 player FFA game of Evenball on this map. I have to say, not too impressed. The map was fine it's the game type that bugged me. It's incredibly tactical to be sure but really annoying in that someone who has the ball can just drop it right before you kill them to make you lose points. It might be different for more people and I'll try to get a game going with more but I have to tell you, I'm not really liking it. As for the map itself. It looks great, a it easy to get lost and it does take you a while to get around, especially when you are in the blue or red tunnels. You might try putting some teleporters somewhere at the mid point of each tunnel that sends you back to the middle of that side's base? A very sound map thus far though and I'll need to get a bigger group together to try CTF on it at somepoint.
This was a brilllliant idea, Debo. It's like rat's nest... because it is rat's nest... but it's not really rat's nest... Anyway, I bet evenball is absolutely forgegasmic on this. RN is so much more fun when people can't drive around the road-ring thing in the pussywagon being whoas and getting killionairs. 4.985629879/5 for the originality and extreme thriftyness demonstrated with the absolute lack of immovable objects on RN. Sorry I had to take off .014370121 for the bit of messyness in the backs of the bases. And I R in AP Calculus and I say that rounds down to 4. Kinda' happy surprized but a little confused face. l=-/
Yeah. Evenball doesn't really work its best unless you have 5 or more people, simply because this map's too big to support really small FFA games. As for a player count, about 8-12 is the sweet spot, so if you're ever in a large party I'd recommend trying this map out on a big ass Team or FFA game. Thanks for downloading and reviewing!