hi i. i know i'm a caviler, but i'm still human, so don't say i should know this. i was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to interlock in the air. its tuff cause it has to be at an angle. thanks for the help.
I usually float braces. It takes a long time but its worth it. Wish I knew that interclocking is though, sounds intresting.
yeah I usually do the same built like a "blocky" structure and then build the actual structure on that.
i would just build up support underneat like 2boxes and a double wall then just delete the 2 boxes and you have a nice floating wall to put **** on then just delete it when you're all gravy
Best way is to use some kind of guide (bridge, teleport node, etc.). It's gonna be a lot of hit and miss, and you'll really test your patience, but if you can pull it off correctly it'll be a thing of beauty. Good luck.
I need help on this one too. When I make my next map, I need to float interlock. Does forghub 101 have this and if so, can we have the link?
i used weapon holders where i want to interlock in the air, them make the iem behind it place at start no, then put the item you want to interlock it with next to the weapon holder.
I set the box that's on the air to like 180 secs, then place like a few spawn points on top of the box end that you are about to interlock into, then I start a new round, line it up and save and quit. Usually comes out pretty good.