
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RadiantRain, Aug 10, 2008.

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  1. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Well I was playing Halo 3 today, and usually I never get insulted because I don’t talk with the headset, my brother does and since RadiantRain (Gamertag) has no gender. So my brother and I play with the same account. Well I was playing Swat, and my brother had left for soccer practice. Normally I put down my headset to avoid problems, but I came out of a horrible losing streak, so I decided to tell my partners who were winning “Good job” I regret making that error. :cry:

    All three of them attacked me verbally by asking me sexually disturbing questions, which I would quote but don’t want to. So after the match I decided to ask them why they would treat females with such little respect while they played… One of the three guys told me to “shut up *****” So I was incredibly frustrated at that point and left. :surprise:mg:

    So why is it that female’s are not allowed to play Halo 3, or any online game. Just so people know I also play COD4, Crackdown, Command and Conquer. And yes I know I am not a pro, I play for nothing but entertainment. But why am I as a female so different then a Male. Why is it that Males can talk normally to each other, but when I voice in at all. They reply by saying something like “Do you want to suck my ****.” :irritated:

    Female’s are no different then Male’s, so I want to know what you people think about it. I was not 100% sure if this went into debate, but this does not break rules, maybe in location but nothing else. :lock:

    So please reply, I am hoping that not all men are just sex freaks like I am beginning to depict them. :frustrated:
    #1 RadiantRain, Aug 10, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    They're pigs. Report them to Microsoft if they act like that, of course. It's technically sexism and sexual harassment.
  3. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    guys trash talk each other too. but ya. those people have problems. i guess since so few girls play video games. people are more weird and rude around them. personally. i have no problem with girls playing halo. actually. i prefer it.
  4. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    It's because they're immature and don't know how to properly talk to a woman. Whenever I'm on a team with a female, or in a party with some of my friends that are girls, I talk to them just I like I talk to everyone else.
  5. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Believe me, the world would be a better place if none of this would happen. But there is nothing that can be done to them except reporting them and they may get banned. For the mean time, just turn your headset off or friends only if you really want them to shut up. I get racial slurs thrown at me but its my mistake for making things go on forever by talking back at them.
  6. TiiRent

    TiiRent Ancient
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    There just immature, and they think that Halo is only for boys. Im suprised they all didnt start hitting on you. Thats what they do to most girls.
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    What's sad about this whole ordeal is that this is what keeps talented female individuals from doing things that they are skilled in. For an example, this semi-well known hacking group was harassing this female hacker that joined the IRC until she left in frustration. I hope you'll find that on FH, we're definitely not like the retarded, racist, sexist majority of Bungie.Net.
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I don't get it. They are probably just trying to get a gf in real life and they let out some feelings that aren't real. They are just idiots. My sister plays with me sometimes. I wouldn't say she is good, but she is good enough to get a splatter spree with a ghost, so she isn't terrible. Not to mention she gets like killtaculars in Grifball. I go for the ball, she smacks ppl with hammers. Sometimes I give her the headset and she questions all of the other players' sexual orientations. LOL. BTW she is 12. LOL
  9. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Video games are such a male dominant place, that when a female comes into the picture, they start acting like, of course, dickcheeses. It's just online talk, though. They probably sweat around girls in real life
  10. Hooglebug

    Hooglebug Ancient
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    There just dorks that can't get real women.

    Just ignore them one time i was in match making playing team slayer and these two guys were talking to each other normally, then once i heard "gained the lead" i jumped up on my hiddy spot with a sniper and our fourth team mate spoke for the first time asking how i got up there the two guys at once started asking her rude questions. I told her to mute them and that was the end of it.

    But must people online believ e that they can't get into trouble from their actions so the are complete dicks to one and other (a small idea of what the world would be like without the law). Try finding some friends male and female that respected you instead of insult you to have a better online experince.
  11. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Just play with 2 other people if you play a social or team game. That way, if the fourth person says something, they'll be outnumbered and start crying
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I was playing with a girl in H2 once, and there was this guy on the other team (who sounded like a tech support guy) start trash talking her and stalking her player in the game. I was just talking to her about what a ****ing idiot that guy was, and basically, the game ends, we lost (that tech support guy played like his sniper rifle had auto-aim), and the tech support guy basically is yelling how we're all girls and fags and etc. crap.

    I'm very irritated by this, but like so many other people said, the most you can do is report them and try to get them banned.
  13. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Well that is a mistake I made, Thanks, and I will start reporting.

    Mabye since they are so rude, we get even less females, it's nice to know you don't mind females playing.

    That may be true, but what is so hard, I talk normally to them.

    No not really, when I hae two freinds who are girls, my brother has all these other freinds, but it's not deal, some do hit on me, but most just reply with sexually disturbing questions

    I agree 100%, and it's good news, I feel better about Forgehub

    Well, if they are trying to get a Gf then calling me a **** sucker does not sound like they will be getting one soon, as for your sister. Good luck.
  14. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    I agree with reporting them. But also, just mute them and move on. People are always go to be arrogant and racist/sexist/rude on the internet. They feel big insulting people they don't know and feel safe because they are doing so through the internet, not in front of the person.
  15. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    men and women are very different, and i dont mean this in a disturbing way, but our roles, are very different in life. but even though theyre different theyre still equal. i hear people mess with females all the time on live, but thats probably because they dont know how to act mature over a mic, and they would like to act the same as if speaking to you in person, but its not possible. ill pray for them, they are weaker, if they treat you that way, and trust me, there are people who would treat you as an equal, but there unfortunately are some that dont. all you can do is forgive them, thats the hard, but noble thing to do.
  16. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    That is odd... I find it to be quite the opposite. See, there is this thing called hormones, and little boys get excited. They especially get eager when it is a girl playing video games, because in the outside world, their addictiveness to videogames scares the girls away.

    Okay, I am over exagerating, but its the same idea. Guys who play videogames (like me) want to meet a girl who actually enjoys video games as well. Those guys though just sound like asswholes.
  17. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I find this funny. Thank you.

    Your right, they probably can not get women, I would love to mute them, but what I would really like is to talk like a normal person to everyone.

    I find this funny too. Thanks again.

    If I try to ban everyone who is rude to me, then you are asking me to at least report 100 people. But I agree with you.

    The better question is why? If they don’t act like dicks, I would not need to mute them.

    I understand that women are different then men, but does that mean they should call me a **** Sucker. And yes I try to forgive them, but it’s hard. And I’m sure you treat me as an equal/
  18. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    If everything else fails, just listen to Nemi. He knows everything about anything
  19. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yur sense of hmor is weird, since females also get hormones, just so you now, women want to have sex to... It's just how humans work. But we don't exploit it.
  20. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yes, Nemi seems to have the right ideas for everything... I will start to report more often.
    Nemihara likes this.
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