Dude! this map is freaking awsum. lul wut! anyways this looks like a great map for any game type. u got my dl.
This looks very pleasent. A bit open in some spots but nice. I believe the doors don't do anything, but I'm fine with that. A good job. 4/5.
Nice map gumby i give it a 5/5 the weapon placement and the interlocking are streamline and i hope you win the template contest!
I played this map with him and the gameplay is fast and exiting and the looks are top notch, for this amazing map I will give it a well deserved 4.81538/5. Nice job gumby
man the map looks so awesome man u have a great forging ability, i got it qued, but if u wer to make a v2 i would say to make it bigger so it could used basically as a regular map with 12 people or 10 and put more weapons and equipment on the map with at least one power weapon(i reccomend shotty) and make it have 0 or 1 clips with a 180 respawn time so it could balance out, but other than those things it looks awesome
Based on the pictures, this map looks really nice. Yes your a sign is merged very nicey and the interlocking on the curved walls is cool. I dunno what else to say, this map is just good. Must have taken up a good chunk of time.
This map looks pretty cool, I like the handrail Idea, you and I are the only ones I have seen do that. Cool interlocking but I am not a big fan of the weapons on the wall this way yhough it does look pretty cool, but this all you man. Great job.
Thanks, I might set it up for more gametypes later, but as of right now, I'm working on another map... Yea, but its not to open to where you can't go somewhere safe, theres enough cover for you to get your shield recharged and the you can get back to shooting some n3wb! Hahahaha, "streamline." Well thanks Tulio for the feedback and for giving me my grape "ciggy." JK, you still owe me one. Your absolutlely right chupa, I had fun playing 3 v1 with you on this map, although you were on a team by yourself! Haha, that didn't really work out for good gameplay, but it was fun. Thanks! I like to see people acknowledge other peoples forging abilities, but when you are saying I should make the map bigger, you're basically telling me to make a whole new map! Hahaha, and there is one power weapon on this map, which is the mauler, you can go ahead and check its data in my post though. It's balenced out though for the maps size. Spam spam spam. Yes, in the words of Tulio, this map is "streamline." Hahaha, but it didn't take that much time to make, I speed forged this one. We're not the only ones to use the "handrail" idea, there is another map that used this look, but I'm not going to mention the maps name in my post. I think it's against the rules, but if you want the name, send me a message saying so. Thanks everyone for commenting about Kurvraque, and for future "commenters", I'll be sure to reply to you!
There isn't even a sniper on this map, besides you can't get to the high places that you see in the screens. I provided a weapons list for this map, I guess you decided not to read it. Allthough you are right about the cover, it's pretty decent. Although I'm working on a v3 right now that provides more cover for the people that wanted it.
Oh yeah isnt that the map that won week 1 of the template contest.. IM pretty sure Grave digger will like it did you include Blood fire in the credits??
I love the aesthetic look of this map the interlocking is what really stands out on this map. Also I would love to play swat on this map but I relize it wouldnt be as fun due to the size of the map good job
Thanks, I will credit him for what he made, I'm going to get the sreenshot of what he had built, thanks for reminding me about this. I totally forgot! =\ Thanks for your compliments, also you can go right ahead and try some swat on this map, I found it enjoyable, although there is more a chance of spawn killing with the swat gametype. BUT right now, I am making a v3 with additional cover.
Well the bridge connector looks weird because of the white edge sticking out, but that's all fine. And walls just have a naturally weird look about them, as he said. Great map, man! Keep up the good work!
Great work. clean interlocking, great gameplay, interesting design. could've expanded fora slight bit more creativity, but overall pretty beast. good job. 4.897675/5
I know it sticks out, what I was going for was to have all the bridges line up from end to end evenly. I know I can make it look like a brown pipe if I moved the bridge over a bit more. I can also agree with the weird look about the walls looks that bungie had created for foundry, but oh well, better then haveing no walls. Thanks, and the good work is keeping up! Thanks for the comments, but when you say "expanded", do you mean make the map bigger? Because as of now, it says I can't spawn any more objects, I also tried that new finding on how to keep on spawning things when the "Cannot create object,to many on map." appears. It just doesn't work for me. I also hope you actually DL'ed and played it, because you're not allowed to rate a map unless you DL, although you did mention "great gameplay", but you should continue on to say why it was "great." Thanks guys.
Oh god, you put to much spam in my thread sandwich. Also I am not looking foward to seeing it seeing how you didn't even provide a decent sentence about my map in general, you put more words into what you are telling me what you are coming up with, opposed to what you even said about my map. I have also looked at your other posts, you constantly spam post and don't even say anything different about each map you see,all you say is "very good map." I'm disappointed to have you post in my map's thread, but I can see it now...Riujin Zer0
Nice, interlocking looks good and glad to see that the map looks inescapable, not my sort of my map so I might not play, but it does look like a good map even though I'm not into that sorta thing. Hope to see more from you :] On second thoughts, I'll download and have a quick look round. Peace.