No parking created by goldman 010 description: you start in a parking garage and you will do some u-turns until you get to the top then you jump off the roof and into a house then break a wall and fly on a banked turn and jump over some over the track and do it again pics: start parking garage on top U-turn Overview The wall break banked turn jump overview have fun!!! Download NO parking Download RACETRACKS here
... it looks like it was well put together, but it really doesnt look like you can do much of anything on it. although come to think of it it might be fun to fight on, so idk ill have to play it before i say if its good or bad
This racetrack looks good. I like the jump, and the parts with the fence walls. It's neat. 4.75/5, just because I've seen better.
Looks well made, the breakable wall is cool, the rest of the map looks nice. I am not a fan of racetracks but this is rather good.