Just wondering what everybody thinks on illegal downloading This includes music, movies, pornz, software and errtang. Also what do you all think of watching recorded movies on the internet? I'm personally all for it, renting movies(unless you're with people) is just a fat waste of money, or going to the movies and paying $12 for a sub-par movie just sucks. Whatcha think?
i think that both sides are right. the artists deserve to be paid, but they are still getting paid, because someone has to go to the movie and record it or someone has to download it. i believe it's fine because their still getting paid a ridiculous amount of money, its almost unhealthy
Well, considering that I got this: .... I think that picture shows my thoughts on it. (In case you're stupid: I'm all for it.)
I don't think it's that big a deal. The artists/actors/etc already get an assload of money. Plus, the price of movies is ****ed up these days.
Its robbery in a sense... I know I hate paying for movies and music but its these people's jobs! Say if you worked at Taco Bell or something stupid and you worked all day nice and hard feeding people delicious tacos and burritos but they never paid you! Would you be mad? Or would you just be happy that you smell like taco meat?
well first of all, this type of thread should be in the debate forum. and second of all, this subject matter shouldn't even be mentioned here, definitely not in this manner.
Piracy is not accepted, it is illegal, and for reason. It is in all cases stealing, and stealing is illegal, so this is no exception. Any form of stealing should be treated the same, because there is a fine line. For example, piracy of Music and Software is completely different. Music is created for the purpose of expression, while software is made to serve a purpose, like a desk or a t.v. However, that fine line says "Is it better to steal a persons painting? or their paint brush?" So, the punishment is equal. However, I am for some piracy, but I use that term loosely. When I get music, I often download it, for specific songs rather than a whole CD, but I sometimes get a whole CD. It's because artists make money, plenty of it, by those who buy their stuff, and that covers for those who pirate. Not to mention they have concerts that get alot of cash too. However, should it be legal and everyone did it, then it would be too much. If that makes sense. Watching movies and shows online is also fine, because as an artist, I would just be glad others want to watch/see my work. As for software, I am completely innocent.... uh ya.... wink wink. But that is like stealing an object, therefore yes, that is much more wrong, but I don't know if the penalty should be so steep. It think what the legal system needs is leeway. Not the kind lawyers create, but actual morality in a case. Piracy is treated the same, however, depending on what you pirate, should change your punishment. I can go on with different examples... but that is another debate. Also, this thread might get locked, since Piracy, downloading stuff illegal, and the mention of it can get the site in trouble and shut down should the site show support of illegal acts. Whether you are cool with it or not, it is still illegal, and you must respect that.
when people vote for this option it automatically links them to illegal activity which could in turn make this website look like a place that encourages such things. I'm just giving a heads up, that's all. There are mods that will lock these threads in a heartbeat.
i cant do your poll cause neither of those is how i feel. of course its "inappropriate" and its illegal so obviously its bad.....but im gunna do it anyways. duh. the free'er, the better.
That's like saying that if it was really hot and I said 'It's so hot, I'm melting.' then that automatically means I'm actually melting? I know that's not the best analogy, but I think you get my drift. And just because you support piracy doesn't mean you participate in it. I support the legalization of marijuana, but I do not and have never smoked once in my life.
since some people couch*toochiehxc*cough think that the poll is too far on the spectrum for both sides, im adding a middle-ish option. as for sweeny todd you brought up good arguements but then completely contradicted yourself...so yeah edit: apparetnly i can't change the poll options so you have to choose between the 2
I think piracy's wrong if you've never bought a cd or gone to the movies but if the people who make that stuff have enough money to bathe in gold in a heat retardent suit they bought on ebay then do they really need another buck. Yeah it's illegal to download movies and stuff, but come on my mom burns cds from the library.