The first thing I would like to make very clear: I know there is a tutorial on merging movable objects with the map geomtry. This is a tutorial, with pictures, that is specific to grav lifts. While working on a map recently I used the merging objects with map geometry technique and it turned out pretty good but I decided to make my own on grav lifts that isn't as long and has pictures. so without further wait here it is. Step 1: place an object that the grav lift will be resting on under the map. Note: If you plan on placing multiple gravlifts close together i suggest using a bridge as it takes up less budget. Step 2: you will place doors on top of the 'resting object' with the top of the door facing the ground. Step 3: while floating directly above the 'resting object', grab it. It should sinkunder the ground. DO NOT move at this point. Step 4: Save and quit and start the game again. Step 5: Using the doors as a guide place the grav lift directly above the 'resting object' and set it to spawn 45 seconds into the game. Now delete the doors and start a new round. Step 6: Place a single box over the grav lift spawning node (teardrop) and also place a double box to spawn 30 seconds into the game and start a new round. Step 7: stand directly on top of the spawning node for the double box and DO NOT MOVE. Once the box has spawned move back and forth until you fall under the level then quickly turn into a monitor. Step 8: Once the grav lift spawns grab it under the level and place it on the 'resting object' where you would like it. Note: this step is critical otherwise your grav lift will spawn above the ground. And there you have it indesructible grav lift. Trust me when i say idestructible. i shot at it with every explosive weapon in the game, including the wraith. Hope this is helpful and enjoy.
Nice tutorial. +rep for you. I am making a map also and I wanted to use this sort of thing for an elevator type thing. Do you think this would work?
I figured a tutorial with pics would be helpful since there were none in the "Merging movable objects with the map geometry" thread
Actually you may be able to destroy the grav lift if you placed a fusion coil close enough to it. The fusion coil would have to be halfway into the ground (so the player can shoot it, but the explosion may possibly destroy the grav lift). I haven't experimented with it but someone should to see if it works. EDIT: Sorry, completely forgot to thank you for this awesome guide. Having pics helps people a lot (a video does even more).
Normally I think you would. You can survive by being in monitor mode (plus you have to probably stay in a certain area and not go too far underground).
This is very very nice sir I liked it. This will be useful for when I want to put a grav lift just barely underneath of a double box. + rep
Sweet tut. Tomorow I will post a map that will be the first completely playable map with ovable object geomerging. Great job 5/5
i'm glad to see this is helpful and that people will use it. as far as putin a video on i don't know how so sorry
Want a bet? just kidden I thought I was onto something, though I better just shut up unless... na I have no clue.
Excellent Tutorial. It is a little complex for my brain and slight ADD to handle, but I will try it out.
You could put a fusion coil on the platform underground, and splash damage from a grenade/rocket would blow it up.
Did anyone read my first post? You would probably be able to do it by having the fusion coil halfway underground. I want to test it but I can't get onto the TV (Olympics running 24/7 here).
Well it would be a permanent elevator. No switches used. Plus that would just start the elevator off not be the entire elevator. But thanks anyways.