"I Am Rich" Buyer Lashes Out At Media For Calling Her An 'Idiot'

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    The Cult of iPhone News and Satire

    "I Am Rich" Buyer Lashes Out At Media For Calling Her An 'Idiot'

    LOS ANGELES, CA - Debbie Norom, who allegedly purchased the $999.99 "I Am Rich" iPhone app, has every right to be angry after several highly visible websites called the eight individuals who bought Armin Heinrich's highly controversial iPhone application from Apple's popular AppStore, 'idiots'. A post featured on Gizmodo called the now infamous 'Crazy 8', 'morons' and 'dumbasses' who fell for an idea some considered brilliant. Norom insisted she has no regrets purchasing the wildly popular "I Am Rich" application for her iPhone, lambasting the media as "Bastard people" for their vicious name calling.

    "Bad things always happen to me, sometimes twice a day," said Los Angeles resident Debbie Norom, pictured above next to her Smart Car covered in bird droppings. "That doesn't make me a moron. I happen to like expensive trendy stuff. I'm not an idiot! 'I Am Rich' is pretty cool especially now since it's gone. That makes my app a valuable collectors item worth more than $1,000 dollars if I sold it on Ebay. Can I do that?"​
    The $1,000 "I Am Rich" app did nothing more than display a glowing red jewel on the iPhone, which serious developers considered a travesty of a mockery of two shams. Many iPhone faithful who first discovered the app thought it was a joke until one user's Visa card was charged the excessive fee. His AppStore review was a painful lament amounting to a sissy style, man-whining plea for Apple's to step in. Public outcry from various blogs eventually caused Apple to pull "I Am Rich" from the AppStore after eight forward thinking US residents, including Debbie Norom already purchased it, in addition to one genius in Germany and an international Mensa member in France.

    "I feel really bad for other people who bought that app like me because public ridicule is so hurtful. We're real people with real lives and lots of money, not morons like everyone is reporting," Norom said choking back angry tears, "Some jackass stopped me and asked if I wanted to buy his mint condition, sealed copy of Windows Vista for $1,000. Even an idiot knows not to install that crappy program even if it's free."

    The "I Am Rich" app was available for only one day before Apple yanked it from the AppStore without any explanation, causing Pete Mortensen from Cult of Mac to mourn its loss. A popular iPhone wallpaper spoof on Flickr called "I'm Rich *****!" quickly replaced the authentic app, featuring a stylized Apple logo in the center surrounded by a red glow like the original. Unlike the real deal, this digital art 'spoof' can be downloaded to use on your iPhone for free.​
    "For those who did buy the app, if anyone did, congratulations.
    Personally, I think it was brilliant."
    The Digital Lifestyle
    I'm Rich *****! Wallpaper [link] Read LA Times Post [here]

    source site
  2. The God of Grunge


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    Jesus Christ. That lady is an idiot. If I had 1000 bucks to blow on something that stupid, I would buy a new guitar.

    Oh yeah, and your news stories are great.
  3. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    Owned. (That picture)

    That selling on Ebay thing sounds like a great idea. o_O

    There seems like a massive eruption of fighting has been caused over this App.
  4. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    i feel bad for her she bought somethin she wanted so what
  5. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    if you can afford then I guess why not. Sure there might be some moral issues with spending that much money on nothing basically.
    but it's just like people who collect pointless junk and 'waste' their money on crap.
    I don't really see the difference. If that's what she wanted to do and she can afford to do it then, hey, good for her. I'm jealous​
  6. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    Hey, we might even see a 'I am filthy rich' or 'I am rich II'

    Hopefully it will be green this time.

    Like Reyn said, if that's what she wants to do with her money, then fine, but there ARE better uses.

    Anyway, where did all that bird crap come from? o_O
  7. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Yes, there certainly are better uses for such an amount of money, but she knew what she was doing. How could you call her an idiot for that.​

    My guess would be birds.​
  8. The God of Grunge


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    one would hope so. How long do you have to stay parked to have that much crap on you car?
  9. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    She mustn't use her car much.

    That, or, she drives in the wrong places at the wrong times.

    Plus, I, myself, never called her an idiot. Were you stating that...?

    It would suck if you accidentally deleted the app. o_O
    #9 Stoj, Aug 10, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2008
  10. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    No, the media is referring to the 8 people that bought this app, the 'Crazy 8' and calling them all idiots
  11. zoltan0

    zoltan0 Ancient
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    I don't have an iphone, so i wouldn't know this, but did someone not from apple make the app, is the store some place where you can make apps and upload them or something? Because i don't see why apple would put an app like that....
  12. UndoingChales

    UndoingChales Ancient
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    nice map
    TDH likes this.
  13. XX_Blivion

    XX_Blivion Ancient
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    do you even read the **** thats been posted before you dumbass... you just said nice ****ing map to this...
    I dont see why that lady would buy that app.. i mean you could make it pretty easily it seems
  14. The God of Grunge


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    lol, he said nice map.

    anyway, she basically wasted 1000 bucks. Next time, give it to the poor.
  15. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    ahaha seriously?

    i like this nice little follow up story to the whole $1000 iphone app. As i said in the other thread, there is nothing wrong with this app or buying this app. The example guy in the other story was an idiot but this girl is not. she's just rich.
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    What'll stop me from just making an app similar to the 'I Am Rich' one, but with changeable colors and other features, and sell it for less than $10? The 'I Am Rich' app only had 0.1 MB of compiled code, and programming somple that simple wouldn't even cost $5. So therefore, her plan of selling this app on Ebay...it kinda fails.
  17. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    She is an idiot, and so are the people at Mac. There is no room in buisness for **** like that.
  18. CondalingisRice

    CondalingisRice Ancient
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    Come on guys, this story is obviously a joke just making fun of these people even more.

    Her last name is moron spelled backwards...
  19. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    That guy was a genius.

    But seriously, it is one thing to be rich, it is another to deserve to be rich? How old is she, in her 20's? It's her parents money, that she spends on pointless, materialistic things. She's not rich, her parents are, and she does not "deserve" the $1000 app. Maybe if she worked hard for that money, maybe then, but no, if she just gets it from her parents, she should be called an idiot.
  20. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    She just looks dumb from the picture. It's not a real valuable thing, it just cost a lot of money. What a waste

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