Anyone else here thoroughly enjoy RPGs(not JRPGs, god no, but western RPGs), the elder scrolls IVblivion in particular (or the series)? discussion
I'm a level 38, however I have it on my PS3. I've completed the main quest, all of the guilds, I'm doing side quests now, and maybe later I'll purchase Shivering Isles off of the PSN Store. My PSN IDs are Jimbodawg and GoArtekis if you ever want to play WarHawk. When LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2, and HOME come out, I'll be on there more often.
yeah im like 36. i beat main guest faction quests, most side quests, shivering isles, and knights of the nine(i have every acheivement). im working on all the daedric quests
I got extremely bored with it, I eventually decided to glitch me like 100k gold and duplicate all of my good stuff. I find the most useful item in the game to be the Skeleton Key. Do you have it? Also, I went to the Mages guild, and enchanted my armor so it is 120% camoflague. I have like 20 sets of Umbras ebony armor and 10 of the glass armor, each with it's own unique enchantment. Talking about it kind of makes me want to play it again.
Oblivion is so ****ing overrated. Just play morrowind after that dont go and play oblivion its just more of the same boring ass gameplay and graphic bloat
yeah i got the skeloton key. and i also duplicate all my stuff, although i think its glitching may game. stuff randomly dissappeares and im walking on nothing. i just load the last autosave and its fine.
That's your opinion, and if you find Morrowind more enjoyable than Oblvion, then that's great. There's no need for you to come in here posting such negative comments. I honestly find Morrowind's mood to be dull, while Oblivion mood is bright, and isn't such a depressing sight.
This has to be my favorite game on the 360 to date. I have made over a dozen different characters and played for over 1000 hours and I could still play this game for hours without getting bored.
I'm getting the game for either my birthday, when I have the cash, or christmas. I've only seen tidbits of it from videos and my friends and I'm in love with it already. I find that it's supposed to be very glitchy. To some people this is bad. I LOVE GLITCHES. Especially the paintbrush glitches. Probably most free RPG on the Xbox to date.
I dont know if i want oblivion or bfbc. But im actually fine with morrowind, i recently restarted to try a new class
Yeah, oblvion owns, I just can't seem to turn my attention to the main questline long enough to beat it, sometimes it seems like 'Fight deadra, unlock gates, scale tower, shut down portal, repeat.' Iv'e beaten everything else though. Shivering isles is alot of fun, they should have made a whole game out of that.
I though we had a thread about this. It died though... The Shivering Isles is fun. The Obelisks are way easier to shut off than an Oblivion Gate. The Daedra Quests are fun too. It's worth it to do the last one, when you get to kill one person of the ten races.
The only RPGs I got into really were GTAIV and Mass Effect the rest just seemed dull and boring. I can't really play Oblivion that long with out craving a gun to blow enemies apart. Magic and swords don't cut it for my violence addiction lol .
Never actually played it myself, but I watched my friend play it. It's a pretty funny game when you're a high level because you can go invisible and mess with the guards
yeah the main quest really didnt take that long for me. i had to close a total of 3 oblivion gates(Kvatch, first one outside Bruma, Great gate at Bruma). i have to say my two favorite quests were to dark brotherhood one where you have to kill the 5 people at the party without the others knowing, and the shivering isles quest "a better mousetrap". i liked the end where you get to kill or drive the adventurers insane(i guess you could say that i am a dark character). but being a high level is extremely fun.
In the Shivering Isles, there are these crystal chests that I come across that I need a special key to. One is just outside New Sheoth, west. It is found at the bottom of a small waterfall. Anyone know what these are for?
Yea its pretty fun i got/finished all the expansions, beat the game, and have allt he best stuff in the game and im lvl 48.
I recently made a new hybrid-class character with some pretty cool Major Skills. I've already cleared Kvatch, the Arena, killed Umbra, and complete the Knights of the Nine storyline (which is amazing). Soon, I'll complete the main storyline, and whenever I do the Dark Brotherhood, I'll have to travel to the Nine main shrines again so I can get my Infamy removed. Guess I'll do the Thieves guild while I'm at it, that'll rack up well over 10 infamy. Btw, the Crusader's Relics look bad ass. It's my perma-default armor. (plus it levels up with your character, which is cool)
yeah i like the crusader's armor. i just have nothing left to in the game, so i basically just walk slowly around cities in third person and admire how bad ass i look