Hey folks, I've already done a thread like this a while ago and I'm making a new while being even angrier than last time. Let me explain: July 7, 2006 I purchased my Xbox 360 console, being on top of the moon that my mother drove me to the city to buy this magical machine, and on top of that I received Call of Duty 2, one of my all time favorite games (IMO the game that takes the most skill online), for free by mistake of the clerk! October of 2007 I'm on Cloud 9 again having the much anticipated game Halo 3 under my belt when disaster strikes, my console packed it in. Now I had heard of this happening to a staggering amount people but I counted my lucky stars that I was not among until that fateful day. In a panicked fervor I unplugged, replugged, powered up and powered down so very many times but to no avail. The very mouth of the beast, the disc drive refused to read any of my games. Now being the procrastinator I am I didn't get around to mailing my Xbox back to it's motherland until mid December. Every day I would check the purolator site and tracked my baby all the way across Canada, eagerly awaiting the day I could pwn some noobs again. Christmas vacation came and past with only a mere week left of my time free from school. Twas this week before my shackles returned that I received that joyous call from the shipping company, my Xbox had come back to me in the form of a replacement console. I took it home and plugged it's power cord with a sense of pride, knowing concole gaming had returned to fill that void in my life that PC gaming never could. I enjoyed my days back in the high life for nearly a week when the unthinkable happened, the very same error that removed me from the gaming world for two long months struck it's ugly tone again. It was with great remorse that I dialed the Microsoft help line to explain my problem, occasionally screaming at the automated voice to vent my frustration knowing he wouldn't sass me back. Again I returned to milling about ForgeHub and mourning the death of yet another Xbox. Again I waited for around 3 whole weeks until the newest console came to bring the sounds of gunfire and other assorted things back into my home. But it would not last, this time it took only a tiny 3 days to die but this time by the accursed RRoD. I began to wonder whether I would ever be able to enjoy console gaming the way it was before, error and breakdown free. Again I dialed that oh so familiar sequence of numbers that spread nothing but grief wherever they were dialed. I greeted the automated voice man like an old friend as I impatiently waited to be put through to agent of this corporation seemingly spawned by the Devil himself. This time explaining with much vigour the source of my predicament and how I'd lost three comrades in less than half a year. Understandingly he said he would try to have a new console acquired for me instead of the usual "refurbished" model. By about the beginning of March I had a supposed new console to adorn with my love and expensive video games. From then on it seemed to be a smoothly paved road that I could enjoy in my new Ferrari and this road had no speed limit and did not look like it was ending any time soon. I enjoyed my games once again like the godly Halo 3 and such other titles like BF: Bad Company, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, etc. Just 4 days ago though this road came to an abrupt cliff and my new Ferrari plunged over the cliff into the jagged rocks below. As you might have guessed from my descriptive metaphor my new console stopped working....again. So now I await daylight to call that forboding number to give Microsoft a piece of my mind. If you haven't counted that is the 4th console to die on me, thus my newest replacement will be my 5th Xbox 360 console I will ever own. Now just to clarify on a point that I assume will be made, I do treat my Xbox with the highest care, no enclosed spaces well ventilated, I almost never move it, I never back pack it to friend's houses, etc. Now I know that's a mouthful of text but I advise you read it and I was wondering if similar had happened to any of you or what your views on this are, ~Billy Reloaded
Hmm, it seems that when you buy a 360, you are playing Russian roulette with a loaded revolver. Im sorry for your hard times with silly Microsoft, as everyone is starting to have problems with their 360's. My 360 hit the lovely red ring-o-happiness, and I have been towel tricking the ***** for the last month and a half. I just wouldn't trust Microsoft with handling with my console one bit. I say call them, even though they may hang up on you.
I have never gotten the red ring of death before. I've also had my xbox since christmas so I must be a lucky boy.us .
I've got the RRoD five times since I got it. The first time I just sat around and put off mailing it for a few weeks and then recieved it the day after I did. The other four times I used my CPR skills to revive it.
The hearts ofmy family go out to you. With our recent shenanigans installing SP1 for our vista comp. Believe me your not the only one who wants bill gates's head on a platter
This better not happen to me. If it does now, I'm okay because of the warranty. But if it breaks after the warranty expires... I don't think my parents are going to pay for it to be fixed, because they don't like me playing it at all. Then again, they despise all video games.
You seem to be....cursed.... I really didn't ever want to have to say this to anyone, but... Get a PS3. There, I said it. lol I'm telling!
When I first got my xbox it started having a problem connecting to the controllers, and the controllers were fine with other consoles, but the lady at microsoft sent me another controller to test anyway, because it was late when I called and she was sleepy. Then they sent me a refurbished one once I called saying the controller wasn't connecting. So I got a free controller out of it. I3 weeks ago I got rrod, and they just sent me a new one that works fine. I don't have any problems with their replacement program other than it takes 3 weeks ( it's free anyway so it has to be UPS ground shipping), and the people I talked to were really nice.
Suck it up my friend is trhe one who should be pissed. He gets his account hacked and Microsoft cancels the account and deletes it with out asking him if he wants it back! He not only losses all his gamer score he lost his general rank in Halo 3 and 10 time prestige in cod 4 then over $400 dollars in map packs and themes and gamer pics and then microsoft only re-emberses him with 6 months of xbox live! he got ripped off! I'm telling him to sue Microsoft and the hacker for his losses.
back to the main story, i feel some of your pain, i had my xbox since christmas of 07 and mine just got RRoD. I was literally playing halo yesterday when it happened, bam, it frozed, i turned it off and back on and nothing, i hope this doesn't happen to me again, my heart goes out to you man
that is not good about you 360....i've had mine since the day 360's came out and it broke and wouldn't read discs about a week after halo3 came out .....then i just guilted my parents into buying me a new halo 3 360 later that night
you just jinxed yourself i said the same thing and guess what happenmd that also stupid microsoft said theyd send in the box mont later called and said when you going to send it inand we'd never recived the dumb white box also you don't recive your xbox back its an already repaired one
Wow that is like the worst possible scenario that can happen to a 360 ever! I'm sorry that this happened to you and good luck in the future!
DO You Play with your xbox on a carpet..if so that is your problem...i went thru 2 this is my 3rd..and now i play with it on a small wooden chair thing....try it..might work...
No, I actually keep it right in the open on top of a wooden buffet. I have spoken with the tech support at Microsoft, I was actually put through to their hardware specialists, whatever that means. Anyways they were trying to make me pay for the repair, $100! And then even after I explained my situation the best they were willing to do was give me a 50% discount and "A Complimentary Piece of Hardware". **** that ****, I'd probably only get a shitty little memory card anyways. So I cold shouldered Microsoft and devised a cunning plan. I'm going to buy a new Xbox 360, then take back the box with my old one it and getting a refund. Hi Fives all around yes? Will update with outcome of mine devious plan.