Bungie Favorites is a sell out they are payed to put things it there so if you are hoping for a Bungie Favorites slot it probabaly won't happen.
O....kay, then. I'm assuming your map/image/video clip/gametype didn't make it into there, huh? BF is sorted by other fan communities that Bungie chooses to spotlight. Not a specific user-made content.
no they werent. some FH members had their maps selected by other groups, but FH has not had bungie favs yet
yea FH had it once like antlion defence and stuff it was all forgehub.com stuff. i remember and i was told that there turn for BF is coming soon again it works like a system i beleive halotracks gets turns and we get turns they take certain maps they dont care about the quality FH admins will choose the maps they want to view thats how it worked with halotracks FH will probly choose like 5 maps to view from the web and give five maps to them.
Its asif bungie does not even care what the users of the game have created, this site was built out of a section of halo 3, though Bungie does not really ackknowledge that. Its a full community! damn it.
good, cause i know it would be the featues, and no offense to the makers, there pretty to look at, but they suck to play on
One most things on there suck. Two Why would they put all things for certain areas. Some truely are downloaded alot but thats caz the halo 3 community is idiotic and filled with little kids about the age of 6, who say the are 12.
There must be at least ten of these threads belly-aching about this topic. Stupid. Search, goddammit.
If you have gripes with Bungie about the Bungie Faves then OK, I can't believe that they get paid to put stuff in the faves, especially since we at FH have a slot coming up (or so I hear) and I doubt that we paid them... But please don't turn this into another complaint about the featured maps. The old "interlocking is all they look for" line is very tired, and maps like Coldfront and Hangar 02 are my old favourite response. I don't think the makers would hate me for saying that these aren't the most beautiful maps ever, but are clearly oriented around a desire for epic and finetuned gameplay. Obviously the featured maps are not going to please everyone, but there is a nice variation of maps and ideas in there, ranging from aesthetic to gameplay and all points in between. You may not like every map that's featured, but its unfair to say that features aren't carefully considered and varied.
problem about bungie favourites is that if the maps arn't on forgehub - they aint gonna be good I find. i downloaded 2 maps last week being Cave Wars and Obstacle course. Cave Wars was simple to make and too filled with power weapons whilst obstacle course is both confusing to understand unless you take it apart bit by bit
I agree with you on this, and it may just be me being up myself about the quality of FH work. But I look at it like this- We are the leading general Forge community to my knowledge, and as such, we are going to produce the best results since its our focus. The B.net forums are a general Halo community, and so, whilst there are going to be some great maps on there, it makes sense to go to the premier Forge community in search of maps. But, I do think that putting FH only maps in the Bungie Faves would miss the whole point, whilst it would yield great maps. The point of the Faves (since the change to a rotation on various fan communities) is to circulate around the net highlighting various fan communities and showing off their work. If you want to see the best of FH and nothing but, then you can just look here. Whilst I do think that the old system of featuring anything that stood out was better, and much more true to the name of Bungie Faves, being exactly that (since now the submissions are chosen by the respective communities themselves), Bungie have made no secret of the change and have explained their reasoning clearly. You can't accuse them of not doing what they set out to do.
Payed? You must be joking. It is chosen by whatever groups sent a message to lukems and signed up, the earlier you sign up, the earlier you get favorites.