Halo 3 Game of the Year!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Eyeless Sid, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Halo 3 won game of the year at Gphoria today! Take that Sony Metal gear lost by 40 votes lol! I think Halo 3 earned it.

    G4 - X-Play - Gphoria 2008 < Halo 3 game of the year proof!
    ScarFac3d likes this.
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I would think eather COD4 or Halo would be amongst the top two, but Halo won obviously

    Whenever a new game comes out my whole friends list goes straight to it, EX:Rainbow six, but a week later everyones back to Halo or COD lol
  3. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Damn straight. CoD 4 can lick my balls.

    Halo deserves best game given that it is still the most widely played game on Xbox nearly a year after it's release.
  4. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    The video was brilliant! I wanna say Hi to Marty's Mom!
    Nightfire likes this.
  5. zoltan0

    zoltan0 Ancient
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    I love the comments. All the little fanboys are peeing themselves over this. The people voted, and they voted for halo 3, halo won fair and square.
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It won D=
    It's good, but cmon, not that good. Metal Gear Solid 4 deserved it. I love halo, but Metal Gear has great gameplay, the best story I have ever seen in a video game, best actors, cutscenes, graphics, the list goes on... but Halo 3? Idk what to think about this...
  7. E93

    E93 Guest

    Halo 3 deserved it. I mean, come on.
    What other game would you play for over 11 months non-stop, and still not get tired of it?

    I was upset when Halo lost the Game of the Year award at Gamespot.com, but I knew we'd get revenge.

    lol, I sound like such a geek...
  8. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    well no duh halo 3 won it. it has the best multiplayer and user created stuff ever!!!!!
  9. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Halo 3, with it's 1337 forge mode, as well as a Theater lobby, to rewatch your played games. Winsauce. I'm surprised that it didn't get this before.

    *Expects game of the year edition.*
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    LMFAO...I can think of a crap ton more games that deserve a GOTY over MGS4? Halo is an epic masterpiece of a game. With a massive dedicated fanbase, constant updates, a dev who's true to their fans, the best multiplayer out there, spawns machinima, spawns a bunch of websites dedicated to certain things, allows for artistic screenshots to be made, as well as map creation. Halo is a massive game. It is the GAME of the year man.

    I'm so sad sweeny :( MGS4? Where do your loyalties lie?
  11. KB

    KB Ancient
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    YAY for Halo 3! Halo 3 pwns most all other games so I'm really glad it got GOTY... Great job Bungie and Halo 3 lol...
  12. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Lol i totally agree!
    CoD4 sucks and halo even though it has been out for almost a year is still addictive and i could play it for many years to come ..
    super trooper88 likes this.
  13. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
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    Wow, I can't believe I can't figure it out myself, but can someone one tell me what map that the bungie thank you was filmed on in the video in that link? I can't put my finger on it but, the only map that comes to mind is rats nest.
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  14. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Yes, Halo does have all that, but do you consider what MGS had to offer? It was around way before Halo ever was, and it was already re-defining video gaming. It was, and still is, the definition of stealth action gaming. Have you played MGS1? It was revolutionary, and the scripting in it was unheard of at its time. Who would've thought in a PS1 game, AI would pay attention to footprints in snow? Ontop of that, it was ingenious. The boss battle with Psycho was brilliant. You had to unplug your controller, and plug it into slot 2, so he "couldn't read your mind."

    But MGS4? It redefined itself. It redefined the redefined. Stealth action got a boost with octocamo, and clever uses of drum cans and boxes, that worked even in multiplayer. But whats more? It offered 2 approaches. Sneak around, and be ninja, or go in guns blazing, while balancing both options throughout the game.

    And it was a long satisfying campaign. Yes, LONG but not tediously so. LONG. And the story was amazing, with the best cinematics (and graphics) to date. I found myself playing through a level trying to get to the next cutscene. Oh, and the comedy was hilarious. I was lol'ing so much, and they took the whole PS encorporation further, by acknowledging that you are playing a game system XD It was hilarious. It had an epic ending too, nothing could've finished it better. Yes, an actual ending! When they said they were done, they meant it, unlike the favorite game here... lol. This game proves you don't need multiplayer to have replay value (even though it does).

    And this game did not feel at all half assed, they put all their resources into it.

    I have no loyalties, ima rebel.
  15. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Am I the only one who noticed that the "Thank You" clip from Bungie was on a never been seen map?

    While its nothing special, its something.
  16. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Im glad halo 3 won, it deserves to win with all the work put into it, but G-phoria is not significant at all. After hears about it, i went to the website and checked how many shows it had. Only one show was about video games. G4TV = Game channel? not anymore. I remember reading GI (Free with my console purchases.) that the producer plans on not making G4 go from Games to other things like MTV did, but look what happened. G-Phoria isn't as significant as IGN and Gamespot reward shows will be.
  17. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I disagree. But it's still a good game and deserved it.
    #17 the other dark, Aug 10, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2008
  18. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I dont think he ever played a game on the computer or heard of the ps3 version of UT3
  19. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Yeah. Halo may have a good combination of user created content and multiplayer, but it definitely does not have the best of either. There are tons of games with actual map creators, not just an object spawner. And people like different types of multiplayer.

    I have to be honest with you guys. Forge isn't all that great. Maybe it's good for a console game, but there are so many limitations.
    #19 the other dark, Aug 10, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2008
  20. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    Yeah, I noticed this too, I don't recall any map where I've seenn the place they did it in. At first I thought Last Resort, but it is actually much different. It'll be interesting to see in the future what map it was.

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