Well I just joined and got attacked instantly, lol. Lost a bunch of credits before I could even work out where I was! Looks good though, I think I get the idea now and am going to try and attack unsuspecting newbs in the same way I was utterly destroyed, to get mah moneez bak! Something I spotted. When buying stuff from the store, try and make it so that all you have withdrawn is the amount you need to buy the item, that way once you've bought it all of your credits are in the bank and you can't have any stolen from you! It's only a little thing that will help you while you're at the lower levels but I think it's useful to take note of.
How many weapons can you have at once? I know it lists a Primary and a Secondary. Is that dual-weilding? Can you have a Primary and a Secondary with a BR and brute shot or something? If not, it seems like you get less bang for your buck as the weapons get more expensive. If you can only have two at a time, it looks like you should have two Plasma Pistols. Weapons List Plasma Pistol Cost: 700 Attack:+10 Defense:+20 Reflex:0 Accuracy:+40 Luck:0 Total Bonus: 70 Total Bonus/Cost Ratio: .1 Magnum Cost: 950 Attack:+25 Defense:0 Reflex:+25 Accuracy:+5 Luck:+5 Total Bonus: 60 Total Bonus/Cost Ratio: .06 Plasma Rifle Cost: 1,700 Attack:+25 Defense:+15 Reflex:+5 Accuracy:+2 Luck:0 Total Bonus: 47 Total Bonus/Cost Ratio: .03 SMG Cost: 2,400 Attack:+20 Defense:+20 Reflex:+15 Accuracy:+3 Luck:0 Total Bonus: 58 Total Bonus/Cost Ratio: .02 Spiker Cost: 3,100 Attack:+15 Defense:+20 Reflex:+15 Accuracy:+2 Luck:0 Total Bonus: 52 Total Bonus/Cost Ratio: .02
It's primary, secondary weapons. It's not dual wielding which means you can't have 2 of the same weapon.
Furious like 6 of us that are actively playing are on Skype. Also we have a treaty not to attack each other. Put the following line in your H3 RPG bio if you wish to be in on the treaty. Member of the Forge Hub Nonaggression Treaty
K I WAS attacking people from forgehub (after all wouldn't you rather be stabbed in the back by a friend than killed by a stranger?) but I shall join the treaty and stop attacking my fellow forge-hubians. That and I tried to attack Furious and got served If you're "Dead" will you come back alive again over time or do you HAVE to spend 25 credits to "regenerate"
Hahahahahaha i clicked the matchviewer to see how gay this was, and this is what i saw: hahaha lightsout got pwned.