[[URL]http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?fs=true&ssid=47659484],[http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/...p.aspx?gamertag=Dragon Ranpager&ssid=47629687],[http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/...slayer and Infection items are not in slayer.
not going to repeat. i looked at the link and there seems to be no interlocking and its a little sloppy. but its your first post. almost everyone messes up at the first post. Even me.
I'm having my friend make it neater and I fixed a bit so not everything is the same so it will be better. Sorry I keep trying ,but no tutorials work for me ,so this is as close as I can get so don't tell me it's not up to standards caz I know that ,but this is getting closer.
alright bud i got one for you use the one in todds sig^^^^^ and whomever gave this map a 2 star is immature or inane for not even seeing the map first
Uh, what was that for? If you say stuff like that, you will get banned, cause lately mods haven't been taking any crap.
Ya well you know what I dont care I can find a better forge site I've seen them I joined this caz it's more popular.
alright dude calm your jets all we do is try to help you and you go off on us well i dont think you deserve to be allowed to use this site and btw that message yo sent me... i fowarded to a moderator
Okay, but most sites don't tolerate this form of behavior, and if they do, they are desperate for members, and we're not. We tried to help, and you shoved it in our face. Lock this thread, please. It is not up to standards, he won't try to improve it, and it's turning into a flame fest.
**** you this is the world. Bungie Favorites is a sell out and is payed to put alot of things on the this is why true forge art will never be know by most Halo 3 community.