I really enjoy starting new maps. More than I like finishing them, the problem this creates is that I have great ideas, start them, get bored, start new idea and the cycle never ends. In the past 4 months I've started at least 15 quality maps and published two. Is this natural? A problem for eveyone? How can I overcome it and just stick to my maps? Usually I just tell myseldf, "Hey, this could be a great map just keep working on it." But then I feel like I have to do it so I rusk and the results are often sloppy. Help!!!!
Yeah... That happened to me a lot in the past... The thing that helped was just I started playing other games than Halo so like two weeks later I cam back with a "fire" for Halo... And usually when I post a map and get good feedback it gets me like "oh, People like my maps... I'll keep making them" Just keep perservering and I'm sure you will get the ForgeFire
Theres two things that I do to help me. I play other games when I have no ideas. When I do get an idea, I plan the entire structure out so I don't bail on it in the middle of it and if I do decide to not do it, I wouldn't have wasted time forging.
Sticking to your maps and finishing them takes dedication. It's hard work, but it's a required skill in real life. In a job, you need to focus to finish making a product. In school, you need to focus to finish your homework. It's all about dedication to your project, and the end result will show it.
I always can build but when it comes to weapons and respawn points I give up. That why I make alot of minigames
yup - know where your coming from there. I find that I rotate around maps but eventually come back to them and put bits in to make the map better. The problem I have is that i come to the point when i ask the question "is this 36 hours of dedicated life going to be appreciated?"
what i do when i get board of a map, i just leave it take a break, or a go to another one and work on it. if you have quality ideas, make sure you use them in loaded maps, like if you have one nice thing, but everything else is jsut OK, then you need to make your maps as creative and amazing as you can, not spread it around on maps youre just starting. maybe go back and use some ideas that youve excecuted on other maps on others, like if you put the beginning of some into the beginning of others, then you get a good amount through quickly.
One thing that I've found tends to help me a lot in keeping motivated (besides having inspirational heavy metal playing in the background) is having a very clear picture in my head of what you want the map to look like. For Circulation, I had the images and concepts rolling around in my brain for a good two or three days before I sat down and got started. Granted, construction on Circulation actually went a lot quicker than it should have (took me less than 20 hours to finish total, I believe), but that was largely because I knew exactly what I was doing in making it. I guess that's something else that helps a lot: having your ideas work for you and work quickly.