No... The Statue of Libery is an icon... People can see it as a status of the countries power... Mona Lisa is a great piece of modern history. Both of those are unique. But A mirror made out of wood, has no meaning nor does it substitute a mirror. It's just pointless to make one...
But they serve no actually useful purpose. Emotional response can't be deemed useful if we look at it how he did. But if we do want to go with the whole emotional area... This mirror is creative genius and shows impressive ingenuity. Why are you trying to argue about how useful this is or is not anyway? Don't you think it's rather trivial and pointles?
I notice that there is no comment on Halo 3. Yeah, you should just make one topic and put all of your news in it, Reynbow. =D
It would get incredibly cluttered and comments would start to get intertwined and it would just be a giant flame fest ...
This is awesome and very genius. Answering to your question: yes I would put this in my room as long as you can shut it off because everytime you walk by it all of the panel would shift and I can see that being really annoying and it seems its really loud.
I want to see into infinity, so I think it's high time we had two of these set up to reflect each other. It will be a dimension made of wood...
Another great find reyn. If you had a sub section I would subscribe. I wonder if we could like petition it so you had on. *signed* l 1337 Hax0r l
This looks awesome of course i would buy it! Though it's probably really expensive Thats mad crazy technology lol and on wood which is cool and kind of ironic
that's the coolest thing i've seen in a while, although it's quite loud sounding from the video. I'd buy it if i could. And somebody in this thread mentioned that it's flammable? do you use fire around mirrors a lot? it just made me lol. Does anyone else find it humorous when spammers attempt to post in threads like this?