Well this is pretty much a weapon launcher. I thought of a way that players could decide the weapons on the map. This works by having weapons start at different times on a small platform. Then whenever you like you can simply activate the switch (the switch only works once). Then a fusion coil drops and explodes when it explodes the weapons fall of the ledge then fall into a man-cannon that in the final version will be a three way one which scatters them across the map. here is a picture and a download to the prototype. I is not completely functional yet but It sort of works. I have only placed 2 assault rifles on the platform so the timed event will NOT work. If you want to check it out Download Here. Please Rep me
Doesn't that make a map unbalanced though? All the power weapon's are going to just happen to go to red team and all the smg's to blue by luck. lol. Sounds to random, but good concept.
Well More powerful weapons spawn later so the longer you wait to activate the switch the better weapons you will end up with
hey, dont be hating the smg, its better than a pistol oh, i get it now, sounds like a cool concept. you should make a map around it
I don't hate the SMG, I love it, but in a battle versus a sword, shotgun, sniper rifle, and rockets, you lose. Maybe not the sword or shotgun, by rockets or sniper. I understand what it is now however. But it would really only work for FFA games is what I'm getting at.
I love SMG way beeter than the AR. Very cool idea and could help with both the origonality and gameplay of a map that uses this. Nice job I'll check it out.
hey dont be hating the pistol. its better than the rocket launcher =P but that map is pretty cool, making a weapon launcher, sick, you need to make a map with one on it. kinda like a city/maze where the weapons are thrown out randomly across
Heres a good a idea... Put this in Aesthetics section... It's just an empty map with a complex weapon launcher... Which I must say is pretty large...
i agree with kovakelslovak, you should make a map around it. or maby had the one you already made for one team and add another for the other team, just a suggestion
i agree good idea but with some structres more weapon lauchers and some sort of strategy to get the better weapons you could have a really interesting map