^Click picture to download map^ Backstory - Ambrosia was known to be the food and drink of Greek Gods, and whoever ate it would become immortal. Well for the God of War, battle is his food, and blood is his wine. All the forsaken soldiers that die in war from cowardice, hiding from battle, or running away, spend eternity here, killing one another, and forced to fight, until they win the forgiveness of the God of War. Description - The idea came from the name, which is the title to my favorite song by the band Alesana. I looked up what it meant and went from there. Ambrosia is a small map, symmetrical map, designed with FFA gametypes in mind. It contains many interesting levels of gameplay, where no one spot you are safe for long. No weapon overpowers, with a nice ballance between close range and long range weapons, that can both be used effectively with skill. Sheild doors prevent grenade spamming the trench, however, are set up in a way that shield camping is not good. Recommended players 2-4, any more than that and you are likely to have spawning issues. Specs - Players- 2-4 Gametypes- FFA, Slayer/KOTH/Oddball Symmetry- Symmetrical Forge Techniques Used- -Interlocking -Floating objects -Geomerging Layout - An overview of the map. Note, it is unescapable, trust me, I tried. Facing the top deck. Several ways to get up. Beam Rifle tunnel, and Bubble shield spawn. The Trench (aka Bruteshot Hallway) And now the pride of this map... the Tele-Ball Run like a coward, and go up the lift, but are you safe? Take the risk if you must. Note this is the only way to get the oversheild. You either come out on either side of the map here. Or backwards up to the top deck. This method is good for getting away fast when under fire, and getting an oversheild (set to respawn every 120 seconds) but, you might just end up in the middle of another firefight. Weapon Placement - Sorry, crappy paint this time. The Trench Upper Deck Top Deck More Info Spike Grenades x3 - 30 seconds SMG x2 - 2 spare clips - 30 seconds Battle Rifles x3 - 1 spare clips - 35 seconds (yep, the paint map is wrong about clip size D= ) Bruteshot x1 - 1 spare clip - 120 seconds Mauler x2 - No spare clips - 45 seconds (Must crouch to get to them) Beam Rifle x1 - 100 charge - 150 seconds Bubble shield x1 - 90 seconds Gameplay Shots - Guess who got cleanup? Dodging a grenade while getting the mauler. You know your desperate when you chuck a spike from that distance... Using cover in the trench. Bad choice of cover... Fighting in the beam rifle tunnel. Crazy King IS crazy... FPS views are win. Eyebulging muscle stretch... UUURGH! I THINK I MIGHT SPLIT MAH ASS! Reviews - Yes, not much of a quote, but it's Insane People I would like the thank for helping test my map. (No order) Vorpal Saint Insane 54 chrstphrbrnnn ch33s3boy megathumbs InferiorPigeon TurboGerbil Sabian133 DisturbedPillow Closing - This map is perfect to get some good FFA practice in, while having a blast with lots of good laughs. 1 vs. 1 is fun, and 4 people is crazy, without being too overwhelming. Everything in this mapped was placed and layed out for the sole reason to make this map the most enjoyable ever. - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD -
i r like teh dis map, it r good, it r fun, i r enjoy it, ***** tee hee 10/10 Design: 10/10 Play: 10/10 Potatoes of Secrecy:11/10 PenisCakes: 1/10 sorry Awesome 10/10 Overall: Priceless...for everything money cant buy theres master card, but really its an awesome map and i have a lot of fun playing it.... NAO PLAY TEH MAP AND BE NICE TO MEH SWEENY!!!
Nice looking map, very clean and cool design, although the antisymmetricalism confuses me a little. 4.5/5
OMG this must be the best halo 3 interlocked map in the face of the earth! That's what I think. Sweet gameplay and advanced techniques you used. Impossible to get out... Can this map get any better???
YEAH I MADE IT IN A PICTURE 2 Actually.. This map is seriously great! I loved testing. You have my DL sweeny! Best of luck with this map and others to come. Seriously guys, check this map out! King is fun and I hate king normally , Great 1v1 map for competitive play, as well as some good old fashion crazy ass fun. I'd like to see this appear in TGIF!
Great use of corner walls. I have never seen them utililized like that... Along with the flawless interlocking, I can also say that weapon placement from the pictures was pretty good. It looks smooth, looks competitve, and looks like you put in a lot of effort... You have my download.
Hmmmm I'm downloading. This is the first good map I've seen in awhile. Well first good map worth my 100 file limit space
Why thank you ch33s3, that was quite an interesting review.. I am confused by what you mean by anitsymmetricalism? It is symmetrical, both an A and B side. Everything on one side is mirrored on the other. Uh, thanks? That was almost as interesting as ch33se =P Yes, yes you did. I added you're review to the Reviews section. Lol, as awesome it would be to have on TGIF, I think it is too small =/ Thnx =D Ya, I always try to do something I haven't truly seen before. Thanks for the DL Added to the Reviews section, glad you seem to like how it looks. Lol, ya, I think I always overdo them =/ Thnx anyway =]
What? You posted this with out telling me?! =O Rawr! Anyways, I don't mind all that much, sorry for posting so late though. Well, I was really happy when you (or was it Sampson?) invited me to play this map. I mean, I didn't even really sign up to test it (in the formal matter)... But I'm really glad you did. This map is lathered with epicwinsauce. But really, what can I say about this map? In short, I can sum it up in six words: EPIC AND WORTHY OF A FEATURE! But no, that's not enough. So I'll give you this: The layout is small and amazing for 4 player FFA's, and it's also nice to look at and everything is placed for perfection. The teleporter ball area is the main thing one would look at in awe. Though, I really like what you did with the trench, the shield doors make it fair by not being able to spam grenades down there, or even up out of the trench. The fence wall work on the top deck was amazing and done well. But the main thing I like the most is how everything in the map I've never really seen used anywhere else, which is awesome. 10/10 for layout. The weapon layout is uberly fair, and I don't think it could be better. Using a brute shot, two maulers that are kind of a pain to get, and the beam rifle was a really great combo of power weapons. 10/10 for weapons. I heard that you fixed the spawning, but I haven't gotten the chance to check it out myself. If it was improved then I'm sure that I wont be spawning next to a guy and get owned. (Or own them if they didn't see me) But still, with all small maps spawning is always a pain. 8/10 for spawns (mainly because the spawning of small maps stinks) Actual game play, like I said, rocked my socks off. 4 ppl FFA on this map is really freaking awesome. Lots of OMG WHERE THE F*** DID YOU COME FROM?! moments. Which I like. I like how it's really competitive... but it's also got that laid back feeling and you get a bunch of laughs in. 9/10 for game play. <--and that's only because I like slayer there. =P So, overall I give this map a 9.7/10. For epic win and it needing feature now. (I shall also note that I was the first to call it being able to be featured) And one final thing. I'll leave with this stick I got on Insane54, it was pretty funny:
Wow, VERY original map, this is what I've been looking for. Finally someone who mastered all three aspects of a map: gameplay, layout, and aesthetics. 10/10, downloaded. My only concern is that you really didn't recommend many different games: just 4 person FFA or 1v1? I hope it isn't too limited.
WOW! You've got my DL. I love this map all together. The interlocking is great. Same with the teleporter Aesthetics. I also love the pics and the elevator you made. Nice job. Let me know if you need any help with making or testing and future maps!
Thanks! As for gamtypes, yes it is centered around FFA, but I haven't tried doubles on it. But I am trying to make a custom gametype to go with this map, so hopefully it won't feel as limited. Lol, actually, it is quite small, but thanks for the DL. Thank you, your DL is much appreciated. And I'll be sure to give you a heads up for my future maps. Thank you. Thnx I can't quote all you said... but can I love another man any more without being gay? Best review for a map I have seen yet Vorpal! And this is going on the first post too.