The Amazing Wooden Mirror Thu, Aug 7, 2008 Mirror, mirror, on the wall… what if you were made of wood? Interactive artist, Danny Rozen, has done just this, creating a mirror out of 830 wood blocks - but would you put one on your wall? The concept is simple but formidably clever: a tiny camera gathers light and shape data, before sending it to a computer that processes it and uses hundreds of tiny electric motors to shift the wood blocks into the image in front of the device. Subtle gradations of shade are achieved by both the natural grain of the wood and the angle at which they are displayed, casting shadow if necessary. The result is a sort of ghostly image, imprinted upon the wooden pixels like a haunted trace and just like a real mirror the image moves in real time - although the effect is more like some kind of spirit mimicking its subject than your average mirror. Rozen, who has created a wide variety of interactive art pieces, has experimented with other materials, although there is no news as to what surface he might attempt to use next. Lying at the heart of this project is again a simple but deeply moving concept: the idea of everything around us acting as a mirror, or perhaps more precisely - making everything around us into a mirror onto the world. By using a naturally unreflective surface to create reflections, Rozen highlights not only the human beings incredible capacity for technical accomplishment, but the fact that every object in the world might reflect, in some sense, the image of those who have crafted, used and sold it. The nature of reflective surfaces and reflections is what is at stake here - but what’s more, it’s a stunningly impressive piece of craftsmanship in its own right and if anything can be said to reflect the image of those that created it, then this surely reflects well on Rozen. source site
I've seen this before, i think it was on "I Want That!" which is an awesome show, and i want everything they bring on it Nice find
Wow that is strange but amazing at the same time!! I wonder who was the genious who thought of renovating the mirror lol
Wow what an amazing mirror, i wish i had a big one like that then i can do my hair right in the morning although it isn't very detaled
Yes sir i did read your post on the wooden mirror that uses a small camera to make the blocks shift. Did you even read my post, it was spossed to be a joke hinting that it wouldn't be a very useful mirror God i just love this color
Err pay attention idiot. I wasn't talking to you, moron... Do you realise how much of an idiot you just made yourself look like?
Where do you keep finding stuff like this rey? You just google random words a day and see what interesting things you can find ? Its pretty neat, and cleavr, how ever to me a mirror is only useful unless i can see a clear and exact picture of me, so i know what im doing.
I know its artsy and stuff but who needs a wooden mirror its flamable! But I'll admit its cool looking but it is as pointless as all of modern art lol and a wast of wood. Think of the trees. lol
Halo isn't useful at all either. Neither is the Statue of Liberty Or the Mona Lisa Well if we're thinking like you are.
It would be cool to have a wall made out of that stuff, and see your self walk by on it. Or have it behind a dance scene. That would be pretty badass. I'd make my whole house out of it, but than'd probably get scared if you woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom, and thought there was someone in your house. BTW reynbow you like own the general discussion section.
I would love to have something like that. It would be so cool to experiment and see what you and other objects look like. Though It would probably cost more money then any sane person would ever spend. Too bad I don't have some rich friend that could buy it and let me play around with it.