Bush White House has its own interrogation room.» In Ron Suskind’s new book, Suskind describes a disturbing case in Washington, D.C., where security officials detained and interrogated Usman Khosa, a Pakistani U.S. college graduate, because he was “fiddling” with his iPod near White House gates. Officials took Khosa to an interrogation room “beneath” the White House: He turns as a large uniformed man lunges at him. The backpack!” the man yells, pushing Usman against the Italianate gates in front of Treasury and ripping off his backpack. Another officer on a bicycle arrives from somewhere and tears the backpack open, dumping its contents on the sidewalk. […] Usman is trundled from the SUV, escorted through the West Gate, and onto the manicured grounds. No one speaks as the agents walk him behind the gate’s security station, down a stairwell, along an underground passage, and into a room — cement-walled box with a table, two chairs, a hanging light with a bare bulb, and a mounted video camera. Even after all the astonishing turns of the past hour, Usman can’t quite believe there’s actually an interrogation room beneath the White House, dark and dank and horrific. “Usman Khosa is a Pakistani national in his early twenties, a graduate of Connecticut College now working for the International Monetary Fund,” Suskind notes.source site
This is stupid. Duh, the white house has an interrogation room. This thread is such a failure. /thread EDIT: Yeah, your sig is pretty gross. Nobody wants to see that :O
I suppose that you don't see the room while on tour of the White House. But wow, what a find. Please also keep in mind that this is General Chat, keep it spam-free.
I read it. I would ****en grab that terrorist too. I wouldn't want to be blown the **** up! You can never be too careful!
On topic: He brought this to our attention, there is no reason for you to attack him on this. What Reyn does he is a great thing, he finds many articles and brings them to our General Chat board for us to discuss, this being one of them. Personally, I see the use of having an interrogation room in the White House itself, but it's not exactly the smartest thing to do, bringing an individual into the President's own home. Off topic: You two honestly need to start being more open minded about individuals, if not at your own site to save your reputations there, then here.
If this discussion gets any more flame-worthy, I am going to ****ing close it. This is rather irritating, considering this is a discussion on something rather serious. It went from a possibly good discussion instantly into a flame against the gays. I personally thought our community had grown past that. He's gay, his sig is supporting gays, it doesn't have any nudity. Get over it.
But his sig does have a half gay man on it correct? Since you guys are all for equality, I will be uploading my halfnaked pornstar sig shortly.
why would you bring an enemy into where the most powerful man lives as for ryenbows sig people get over it there is nothing wrong with it
Wow.... That kid = phail.. So what its a guys torso. Thanks reyn for another awesome story. keep them coming.
Yeah... That's obvious stereotyping, but whatever... Also, it isn't really a problem that we have an interrogation room. I also doubt it was just made during the Bush Administration, a basement would have had to be something built when the actual building was built. Yes you could say, they can never be too careful, but they were just being racist, not careful. Although with bombs these days, you never know where they could go. It's hard to choose which side to defend.
**** em all, all the damn terrorists that have been proven a threat should be tortured Is that better Tex?????????
hmm. well it doesnt surprise me and there have been attacks on other political places in other countries, and you want to stay safe, but not rascist, i disaproove of the comment by nemi that's just rude