
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Paulie Walnuttz, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. TyRant Hacker

    TyRant Hacker Ancient
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    paulie, i was astounded with the innovation of the crane, when do you think the highway will be completed? and will there be a version two? i would consider making a version two, possibly a different city. the house/main building is unique with the barriers as columns and gives me the feel of a old country home. Also, the catwalk is great for getting around the map, especially with the elevator!

    The gameplay was wonderful with many places to take cover behide, and the catwalk plus the highway makes great for sniping!

    I <3 you paulie!
  2. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Title: Optional

    The highway is awesomezorz. The crane is awesomezorz too. We played Team SWAT on it, and I remember picking off people as they explored teh level. The highway is definitely the best part of teh mapz. Oh, and is there going to be teh part 2?
  3. Ace Of Light

    Ace Of Light Ancient
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    Looks like a nicely made map with lots of interlocking, and I love what you did with the crane. You obviously put a lot of effort into this. It also looks plenty competitive an I think it deserves a 5/5. GJ =D
  4. nicjgoat

    nicjgoat Ancient
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    whoa! a crane, a clock, a metro! very smooth. urbanism at its finest.

    honestly, i played for like 3 minutes, but i promise to put some time into it soon.
    #64 nicjgoat, Aug 7, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  5. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    One of the neatest maps I've ever seen. Looks like some awesome gameplay too. How many players do you suggest?
  6. x Dropkicked x

    x Dropkicked x Ancient
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    Reminds me very much of Headlong, especially with the highway and crane =]
    Looks very good. I'm going to have to free up some space one day methinks.
  7. The Nasal Abyss x

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    I love the asthetics of this map. The crane is one of the most original asthetic touches that I have ever seen. I would probably have a hard timw playing on this mapbecause I would be paying attention to how great the map looks. I'm going to download this and play on it asap.
  8. Trickmyster

    Trickmyster Ancient
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    This map is awesome I played it at a friends house def 5/5 the interlocking is fantastic
    Paulie Walnuttz likes this.
  9. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    This map is awesome, I think the ClockTower will give this map extra happyness, for the one who plays it, also I think the FootBridge could really add in the gameplay aswell, in a positive way, the idea is just awesome, you used all of Foundry, I think the gameplay could be very heavy, though I'm not really sure about this.
    All the towers, and the heights, I think that is it, that is what, probably,

    will make the map have such a heavy and intense gametype, which I do like.
    This could be good for team doubles and this looks like it's an actual, Bungie made, map which is, acutally used, in Matchmaking.
    The idea just got so much potential, and everything is just so perfect, it is aestheticly very well Forged and it looks like it will play very good in a Competitive way aswell.

    The highway also, gives the map an extra 'dimension' it is so well thought out, with the Truck down below, it looks like, real, the highway also reminds me of the bridge from I Am Legend, which is positive.
    The gameplay looks very awesome, sir.

    Definite DL, and the clocktower, is just so awesome.
    I'm going to give this a better, and longer review, when I DL'd it, I don't have space at the moment.
    This map makes me feel, happy.
    #69 Ryan. K., Aug 7, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2008
  10. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    thanks for all the amazing feedback everyone, i really wanted to make the crane into something more useful, and the sweet party size would probably be 5v5 or whatever floats your boat
  11. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    oh ho man! OMG dude this kid added me and was showing me all his maps and guess what he tries to do. That's right he was saying that this map was HIS. I lol'ed to myself tho, uhm I sent you a message of the kids GT actually lemme go get it again. He used same name, same everything. He didnt even try to changed things around. soo funny. OK his GT is GMOF HitMan. lolol. soo funny.
  12. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Ok, i looked over it really quick and the best thing i saw was the clock tower, thats freakin awesome, i wish i had thought of that.
    nice map, just like all your others
  13. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    looks pretty cool, the overall flow and layout is great and looks like you spent allot of time on it and its really paid off, some cool features and youve got some good comments, im edging for a game on this good job
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The first pic definitely told me off. It looks like a lump building in the middle of the map. I decided, however, to check out the other screens, and it didn't disappoint. I'd love to see a possible rival map to Gridlock(ed), who's been reigning as the champion of town/city maps for far too long.
  15. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Daang, really good map. Everything looks perfectly interlocked. I see little to no error in the Aesthetics, and interlocking. I love how you used a that theme which is hard to adapt on to a competitve map... Great job...
  16. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    thanks for the great feedback everyone, and i am aware that gmof hitman is going around saying he made the map.
    Blaze likes this.
  17. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Clock Tower is absolutely amazing. everything else looks very clean and neat. Some parts of the map feel like dead ground, like under the highway, compared to the rest of the map, but i think the feel of the map overall is really good.
  18. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    Thank you, the clocktower i wanted to make a main focal point, and there is some dead areas but they are good for some open gameplay.
    Debo37 likes this.
  19. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Lololol. Why is it that you're always the victim of thievery Paulie? Just because you live in Brooklyn doesn't mean you're more vulnerable to internet crime, right?


  20. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    The only part about the map I hate is the fact you made me playtest it 20 times with you. Play a map too much and it isnt that much fun.

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