Hello Everyone, Is there any computer buffs out there? that know if my: Brand New HD Dell Inspiron 1525 Laptop Can run world of warcraft on its highest res, check the specs of my laptop online, and see if I can get the best from wow without needing a desktop computer, (Not a big fan of desktops) I want to get addicted to wow, lol because all my friends are. You may even get good rep + If you help me out. Here is a screenshot of my res at the moment. this screenshot probs aint gonna look good cause its through the paint program.
that is the res i have on my desktop. it is pretty new and it is a windows. i have a mac and windows, so it just might be the windows. does WoW go on the mac? anyway, i think you might have to get the newer update of either WoW or update your computer
You should be able to run WoW, but for good framerate and stuff, you can lower the gfx and stuff, I think.
My framerate aint the problem, its my friend comming over acting asif he knows it all pretending I need a new graphics card, by the way I just found the settings its looking a hundred times better.
Ugh, I hate dell. But yes, it should, since WoW is not that intense graphics wise. BTW, even if you needed a new graphics card (you don't) not worth it just for WoW. I think I read something about 3100+ graphics card, and yours seems to have that, so it should be fine. I can't find the link though.
lol, I have friends who act all smart computer-wise too. As for myself, it's more of a guesstimation. I don't play WoW, but you'd figure you'd need a semi-good gfx card to run it well and prettily.
Im on a Dell Inspiron 1520 and i love it only thing i wish was if my hardrive was bigger and it was a 17" instead of a 15.4" screen, you got the 1525 eh? Good choice i guess, When i was decideing what laptop to get i spent hours looking at all the insprions 1520 was the one i liked the most, and got alot of the good stuff and ended up spending about $1500 for a laptop i really love. I can play guildwars, and Halo 2 vista just fine, but then agian im judgeing my specs on my insprion 1520 compared to your 1525 are a bit higher, but you should be good, all inspirons come with good procesors, and as long as you got enough ram, and a graphics card other than the deafult you should be fine.
Its really got an awesome proccesor too. Oh and by the way I got the overclocked proccesor aswell as better memory, than I expected. Good choice dude, its sweet.
well if you go to propartys then go to the last thing and choose advanced then go to trouble shoot and see if the hardware acclaration is all the way down if so make it as far as it goes tht should help and stop advertising whoever keeps posting that same url in evry post