If you're going to edit images, use your phucking Photoshop program. Why waste time on stupid edits when you can add your own stuff to it?
im using vista but i downloaded a theme for it... yea it doesnt make sense if you made a sig or whatever in photoshop why the **** would you want to add photobuckets simple effects to it I guess it would be ok for pictures but still.. thats what photoshop is for.. lol
Al thats a pretty sick wallpaper. I used to have one of those. Now i have this: its a rotary engine from rx's
There has been too much spam in here. This is "Post your Desktop," not "Let's debate which is better, photobucket or imageshack!" Btw, Photobucket is superior, because it doesn't have the lame click to go to photobucket thing over every ****ing picture. /discussion.
That's only if you're an rtard and actually copy the link from Imageshack. Most of the time I just copy the image location. Which is much superior. And that's the end of discussion. On topic time! For my desktop images, I go to Caedes.net. They have a good selection of high-quality pictures for my background. I think it's safe to assume that at least 80% of my BG images are from there.
LMAO GWS. The top bit doesn't look good and the background of the dock doesn't either. No idea what OS my Mac's using.. Hehehehe. That's a hawt wallpaper though. I changed mine the other day, I'll post it when I get back onto my own computer.
Exactly what I don't like about it. The menu bar (up top) and dock look ****. In Leopard they look awesome though.
The Mac we have haz a sexy dock and top-thingo. I tried getting Skitch, but when I try to upload a picture, it doesn't work. Runtime error or someshit. (Meant to have no space there)
Damn dude thats sick.. did you get the clock from wincustomize? Edit: nevermind i found it Its the product red one right?