NFL Discussion/FH Fantasy Football

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Aug 3, 2008.


    Senior Member

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    thats fine, its recognizable enough.

    I still need emails from:
    XxAl Capwnagexx
    Lone Deity

    Remember, if you dont want in, or dont think youll be regularly active, then please LET ME KNOW so i can fill the spots.
  2. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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  3. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Sorry about the delay, I was away for a little bit, I sent you a pm and I'm ready to own you all.
  4. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
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    I'm ready for my Trophy now..
  5. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Forget it, nobody can beat me, I will study fantasy football magazines until my eyes bleed out, then I will proceed to crush every single competitor's skull with my fantasy fist of fury.
  6. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
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    HA! do all the reading you like, It's a bunch of bullshit if you ask me.. Sort of like reading the same fantasy magazines before fantasy baseball.. You can't predict injuries.. So what if.. Let us say.. LT was ranked as the best RB in the league (which he is) and you study all these magazines and you are all ready to draft and BAM 2nd pre-season game LT breaks his leg and is out 8 weeks.. probably the season.. Lot of good those magazines will do you now..

    So I say to you my friend.. Read all the magazines you like.. I'll just use my raw knowledge of football and my wise judgment to draft a team that will dismantle anyone that tries to stop it.
  7. destonowa

    destonowa Ancient

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    #87 destonowa, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2008
  8. browniekillyou

    browniekillyou Ancient

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    gl with it hope yall win
  9. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for contributing to the post.
    Just for future reference, posting positive, thought out, useful posts will get you a lot further than this useless garbage. It might even get you out of warned status!

    Edit: I saw what you originally wrote. You are lucky you changed it because I was going to neg rep you. Next time I will.
    #89 Creeping Death, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2008
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    This, good sir, is why LT won't even sniff the field in pre-season. Gotta protect the goods. He never plays in pre-season. Anyway, yeh, the magazines are all bullshit. read em all you like, Ive played FF for nearly a decade and never read a single magazine. The magazines are basically like "Fantasy Football for n00bs"...n00b. lulz yall dont stand a chance, you have no idea who youre dealing with here.
    #90 LIGHTSOUT225, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2008
  11. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Lights, when is the draft?
  12. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I haven't set a date yet, but not for about 3 weeks. We'll let pre-season play out a bit more first.

    On a side note, WetBeaver will not partake in the league, so I have an open slot now.
  13. The God of Grunge


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    Yes. Actually, I watch every game. I coach football. I have a winning record every year. I am a football god. Leave me alone.
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    First Monday Night Football of the season! WHOOOOOOOOO! sorry, pretty excited. Albeit preseason.. but still.

    Im mostly excited to see how the Pack fares with Rodgers finally at the helm. Itll be interesting to see how much they let him play tonight, and just how well the offense meshes.
  15. fiery

    fiery Ancient
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    Is the league full?
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    no, but Im being pretty selective about who I let in the final spot, as Im pretty serious about my fantasy football. Im more serious about FF than I am Halo, actually.

    so keep the NFL discussion up people
  17. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Wait, am I in this? Sorry, I havent been paying attention. Lions beat Giants first preseason game, 13-10 :D
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    i asked like 10 times in the IRC but you always leave then come back in like every time i try and type anything directed at you at all

    youre in if you want lol, send me a PM with your email address
  19. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    Don't take offense about the league guys, I'm just not a fantasy football guy.

    But I am a die-hard fan, so let's get some postseason picks going...

    NFC East: Cowboys. This is the toughest division in football almost every year. I think all 4 teams have a legit chance (yes even the Skins). I give the edge to the Cowboys based on girlfriend hotness and the mentally unstable WR/DB factor.

    NFC West: Seahawks. This is easily the weakest of all the divisions. It's always the other teams' year to step up, but they never do. I like Seattle, but they seem to be switching gears a bit. If they struggle within the division, could this be the year an 8-8 or worse team makes the playoffs?

    NFC South: Saints. This one's close, as I give Tampa Bay a real shot in this weak division, and I don't think the Saints are as good as everyone thinks they are, but I give them the edge. I almost feel bad for the Falcons, who by the way will go back to Vick next year if Matt Ryan looks even a tiny bit incapable, even though everyone said it would never happen.

    NFC North: Vikings. This is another one that's really close, in a division of mediocrity. I really wanted to be silly and pick the Lions, but I'll give it to Adrian Peterson and the Vikings. He obviously has to stay healthy, which is the one knock against him. This is a good time to say that being a fan of great running backs (Barry), I have to put my division-rival hate aside and root for a guy like that (when he is not playing against the Lions). This is something I could never do for Favre, but now that he is gone, I'm letting it go. Hear that Favre? Letting it go. Good luck in NY. I feel dirty.

    AFC East: Patriots. Can they break the curse of the Super Bowl loser? I think so, as I give the Pat's the division (and thus the playoffs). I'm guessing no more than 12 wins for them this year though, but that's still enough for a runaway division win like always. Like everyone else and their mothers will be doing now, I'll give the Jets a good shot at a wild card.

    AFC West: Chargers. Another easy pick here, as the Chargers seem ready to have another good year. The Raiders will be competing for another 1st overall pick.

    AFC South: Colts. No surprise picking the Colts, but I don't think they'll cruise in a tough division. On a side note, why does everyone call the Jags the most physical team? Basically they just don't ever blow anyone out, so they are always in these tough, hard-fought, close games. But does that make them the most physical? Wouldn't the most physical teams be the ones destroying everyone else?

    AFC North: Steelers. This one is a toss-up, because who knows what you're gonna get out of the Bengals, Browns, and Ravens, but I went with what seems to me to be the most balanced of the 4.

    Super Bowl XLIII: This is where it gets interesting. The Patriots will be on a revenge mission, going for two all up and down other teams. All the other familiar AFC faces will be there, with the possibility of Favre playoff action too. On the NFC side, craziness ensues. The Cowboys will lose in the first round again. The Vikings might be looking good at that point, but I find it hard to predict Jackson would be capable of leading them past the NFC championship game. I always like Holmgren's Seahawks in the playoffs, and Hasselbeck's experience is a plus, but like the Saints, I think they've got balance issues, which always seem to get exposed in the postseason. This leaves the wildcards, and it might sound crazy, but I like the Giants in a freakish repeat of last year's run to the Super Bowl, including being underdog to the Pats. This time though, I've got the Pats winning. Patriots defeat Giants.

    Pretty crazy eh... what do you think?
  20. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Watch the patriots are going to win the next superbowl lol

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