
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by PonyD, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    Symmetrical Map

    : : DOWNLOAD HERE : :






    People, people... This is suppose to be a replica of a TERMINAL found in Campaign Mode of Halo 3











    Let me just add that this map has an Aesthetic cluster of different artistic visions that resemble other creations made in the past by forgers like myself. I thank those creative people who have helped inspire hundreds of forgers to make better maps. With that being said I encourage everyone to make similar map variants with Infection Chambers like the one I have created in Salvation. Unique games are fun games.​
    #1 PonyD, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2008
    SPAGETTII and The Real KingLS2 like this.
  2. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    I finally finished my newest addition to my map variants... through many testing sessions we have finally come up with a insane Casual/Competitive map that is great for Infection and MLG games like CTF, SLAYER and anything else you can think of.

    thanks for the quick response and I hope you enjoy.
  3. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    amazing post, and i love how its made for infection and ctf
    4.5/5 i will definently dl
    EDIT: is there any special gametypes
    #3 xbrokenxangelx, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2008
  4. Soviet Skibum

    Soviet Skibum Ancient
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    Very well forged map. Reminds me somehow of TimeSplitters 2. The panoramas are an excellent touch to the post. I also like the windows with shield walls in them. Again, excellent map, you have my download.

    If it's an infection map, why/how are there flags?

    Edit: It's funny I'm the first download with all this people ahead of me promising to download.
    #4 Soviet Skibum, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2008
  5. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    There are flags in some pics because it is a Infection and CTF map... those are pics from different Games.

    And no I didnt warp any pictures.
  6. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    This is a very interesting map I must say! I must download. How'd you make the bases like red look lighter and the blue base look darker? amazing!
  7. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    It all depends on where you place the boxes, there are lights and sun beams shining everywhere that change the colors tones of your objects.
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Wow that is a pretty cool map. One question: if you made it for infection and CTF, why stop there? You should make it for assault, and territories, and slayer, and IDK Juggernaut!
  9. mox rocker

    mox rocker Ancient
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    this looks like a insane map from the way the pics are since i cant download right now il recommend for my friends to download it and I like how you have a fence for the ground in the basses it gives it a sort of don't look down feeling to it
  10. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    Im not finished, I wanted to get this out now. I just finished all the testing for the infection portion and CTF... later will come more variants... Its hard to find time to put towards other gametypes.

    thanks for your input.

    Well for a compact map, I tried to use a sort of illusion of placement to make it seem more open.

    Take a look after you get a chance to download and see all the little secrets this map has to offer.

    take the tele node and flip it upside down and interlock it inside a box a few inches from the surface.. now the node is invisible to the eye but you can go through it... place a door infront of it and it looks like your going through a door

    Thanks guys, I would like more responses because this is a multipurpose map.

    Team Slayer
    soon to be Assault, Territories
    #10 PonyD, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2008
  11. Xx BEHEM0TH xX

    Xx BEHEM0TH xX Ancient
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    This is a unique idea! I love the fact that you went through the trouble to not just make an infection map, but also a ctf map. I think that it is great that you made the map with multiple functionalities. It's a definite 5/5!
  12. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    This is quite frankly the best infection map I've seen in months.
    It's a download from me.
  13. FaulPanda

    FaulPanda Ancient
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    Looks Very Good !
    1 person likes this.
  14. BaronSharp

    BaronSharp Ancient
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    I like the photos taken, very panoramic: 5/5
    I also like the geo merging:5/5
    Overall score:7.5/5
  15. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    Thanks everyone for the support and positive feedback, please spread the word and tell your buddies online to download this map. I always use panoramic pics to get a larger scale of the map and I do my best to put a video with my maps.

    I promise a video is on the way.
  16. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    The map design was really fun, but the gametype was crap. Im sorry, but it was! I mean the infected guy could pick up regenerator and bubble shields and other weapons. The zombie was much to strong to kill in such a small place, him being slower would of helped too. Overall the map was good, but gametype probably need's improvement's.
  17. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    This is a pretty decent map. i Downloaded it and did a LONG forgethrough. my only after thoughts are that i think it'd be nice if you gave a little bit of props to Chips for ripping the balls right off his map Sapphire.

    Keep forging, but next time, im hoping for something more original from you.
    Chipsinabox likes this.
  18. PonyD

    PonyD Ancient
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    hmmm ok where to start,

    - The gametype is meant to be difficult. He is NOT a Zombie... the subject Chronus is just a Stong Super Human and ONE MAN can KILL him by themself... trust me we play it all the time and are able to do it many times. He can pick up any weapon because he is human just like you and that makes it more challenging...

    - I didnt rip this map off of anything or anyone...Everyones maps have simularities and what? so I have energy windows and a freaking Orb.... For one read the Story about the map and notice that my map doubles the size of saphire and is meant for more than a grenade war... I have Slayer, CTF and infection... soon to be much more... Look at the detail in every room.

    - Thanks to those who can appreciate something new, unique and oh yea... its "FREE" you didnt have to do any work, testing, not a single thing except click a button and download.

    - Thanks for stopping by, have fun doing what ever it is you do...
  19. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    yeah, whatever. there was no need to come off as a prick. you did some unique things here yeah, but you dont know how to give credit where credit is due. If someone ripped off a bunch of your ****, you'd probably freak out, but since its not your **** being copied, you clearly dont care.

    In short, piss off. My honest opinion is this looks like Sapphire with down-syndrome. Theres a difference between being inspired by a map, and taking just about everything from it.
    #19 thesilencebroken, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2008
  20. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    This map has some nice and meodiocre Interlocking, I would say that I like the Fence Boxes alot, showing the actual Forge, but it looks like you mostly used Boxes and Walls.
    So it would be more cooler if you've added some other objects, but yeah, this is awesome.
    But this post looks a bit Competitive, or MLG style, couse of the Red Base and the Blue Base thingy, and you posted it in Infection.

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