HAMMER SLAM! Hammer slam is just like monster jam but more different than using cars to knock people off the cliff, They use hammers . Knock people off the cliff by using hammers please don't go out the map that will be cheating custom power ups help you stay in the game things respawn in 90 seconds * fusion coils * *man canon anywhere in the map* 2-16 players MAP gametype Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Have fun and tell me whats you comments about the map and problems about it so i could fix it.
welli guess good job but people can just jump right back into the map and then theres no point into having th map outside
cool idea and all but it seems like you just threw it together the reason i say this is that inorder to make that structure you just have to do quit/saves and its easier to make a messy thing with quit/saves then it is to make an organized one 2.5/5
i love the idea, i think you should make a v2 and make it unbreakable, and a little neater. However it looks pretty good! 3/5
I think it's farther out than it looks and also lower down im sure he would've thought about people just jumping out...
It seems pretty basic to me. I suggest going somewhere on blackout instead or on avalanche that you can't jump to the land. That would make more sense to me.
You should make it a King of the Hill variant that everyone spawns on the boxes, so it stays contested until everyone is knocked off except for one. That way, even if you got out of the map, you couldn't get back into the hill and win.
I enjoyed this map, I had to keep botting because of people leaving the map. My suggestion is some man cannons or other kinds of barriers to keep the party in line.