V.1 (Straight Away) - Link --------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: This map is the second version of my original map, Straight Away. It's designed purpose is to help you with your sniping skills. It actually helps a LOT too. This is one of my older maps and was posted in my "onslaught map pack" in competitive section. I realize now that this might just belong in mini games, it might not but meh. Enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: This long, narrow corridor is designed for fast pased, head to head fighting. Your goal is to out snipe the other team to 100 kills. Careful though, your not as safe as you think. 2-12 people. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Screenshots: Overview of Base B Base B Coverage 1 B Coverage 2 B Base A Coverage 1 A Coverage 2 A And a guy getting sniped ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Variant: Snipe Off ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Two Way Enjoy
looks like a fun sniper map. very nice merging too. there could be some weird kills with all the ricotche( im bad at spelling if its wrong)
this looks fun can you only stay in there or can you go out cause if you cant go out then what is the point in the energy sword
dude scopulus my image god great map it was a lot of fun when i played it with you scorp and Y35 it was well made and fun but did you make it impossible to switch sides? anyway great map.
What energy sword lolol. No but uh yea you can escape back up to where you spawn.. which is in the ceiling. You drop down and start but yea, there are gravity lifts to get you back up.
oh i was abnout to say this was not your map but good thing i read don't want to embarrese myself now
The map looks great. I like that long corridor where you can crouch behind the nicely merged walls. 5/5
i like the concept of this. i like having the people separated and have the only means of killing be a sniper. good job
Nice interlocking and this map has a nice structure. I have seen a map like this before but I have to say that yours is of better quality. Very nice, it seems lots of fun - 4/5
i think you're looking at a beam rifle =) btw, this does look like great fun! if you made it headshot only kills, you'd get even more practice!
I may just be an idiot, but I don't see the changes you made in the second edition. Your first map is among the many forgehub maps I have on my hardrive (even tho i suck at it), and I'm a big fan. I just don't see the difference tho.
I added a spawn roof above each team's firing range. They spawn up there and have two ways to get down: 1. Go down and land in the sheild door area, protected from sniper shots 2. or just fall into the big open area and get straight into the combat zone. Spawn killing was an issue in V.1 and that's why I made the roof area