This is a 4v4 Team Slayer map to be used with Sniper Chaos gametype. It is an arena especially designed for snipers. Thanks to J3R3MY 117 for the floor canvas. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Overview: Spawn(two sides):
love the idea, and love the interlocking, but add like 2 crates or something for each team. also, anyone could make this map in like 1 hour. make it more interesting
Ys i must agree with my friend kilnon2,If one team has a good sniper he could pawn the other team no prob since that there is no defence for either team.
What the other people said, it's fun but easy to make... YOu should have tried to add something that would have at least made it seem like your tried...
this is way to easy to make because you used the pre interlocked floor thing but this does look like a fun idea but its defintaley to easy to get out of.
Hey dude you seem to be a sniper lover like myself . . but this wouldnt really involve any skill to be honest people would be just getting lucky shots . . Idea: If you keep that as your shell and then maybe build little bits of cover inside it(not too much but enough so people don't no your every move), And make shore you have spawners in cover otherwise people will be spawn killing and that just ruins the game really . . . i think it will turn out a wicked map after a bit of extra forging tho=] I give 3/5 now but if you get back to me with a Version2 i will definitely give you a 5/5 =] Have an awesome day dude =]
this is really not orginal this completly reminds me of TDF and Sargent"s map don't remember what it was called but it had nothing on it and it was caged in like this
this map is not my kind of thing looks like there could be ALOT of spawn killing and sniper games in a small open space wouldnt play too well.
i think you should throw in like a barrier structure like ooXXXooXXX XXXooXXXooXXX X's represent barriers o's are just spaces its like a chain thats alternating
I like the idea, but there should be more cover because there will probably be a lot of spawn- killing.