It's Thursday, the day before Friday, which happens to be the day Bungie posts their weekly update. It's been almost a MONTH without any top news to feed off of. This is getting annoying.
i feel sorry for bungie now. they are making new maps, but still have the trouble of posting on their home page and bungie favs and stuff.
I noticed that too, and it annoys me aswell. I guess Bungie has nothing to do. They SHOULD add a big thing to Forge, like more objects, and surrounding, rocks, icy things, snow, grass, water, go on!
Usually they post Friday night, well I guess afternoon-ish for them but night for the cool people on the East Coast.
I'm pretty sure a new map pack won't come out for like 2 months at least. But seriously, they have been putting out updates without any good info lately. All we got was a sketch of purple reign that made a really bad desktop image. They have been working on those for a long time. What I really want is something like Tantive IV from SWBF2. That would be sick on halo. With all of the corridors 8 on 8 would be a murderfest.
i hope that bungie delays the maps till i get my 360 back so all of you get to suffer as much as i do
yea...if any one listens to their podcasts they basically pooped out cold storage in like a couple of weeks.... Bungie Employees have lives youknow...its not just all about us and filling our needs...what about their family and what not....... Besides Mapnames Coded: Purple Reign and SpaceCamp are on their way....
lol, I kind of have to agree with titmar. The maps or whatever will come out when they come out. Complaining about it gets you nothing.
dont be angry at the ones who gave us the gift of halo 3. forgehub would never be without these people!!!!
So i think they are going for something big ! Hopefully as they have been busy lately and not telling anyone what they are doing .. FORGE IMPROVEMENTS! whoop! =]
The map downloads will never stop, lets be honest the amount of money they make out of the maps by hyping them up is insane. I just hope the get moving or more and more people will get bored of halo!