I'm, trying to support myself, with facts... And yes that was mideveal times but if you read carefully... I stated "And just for added fun, you think my death penalty Idea is cruel right... Well in mideveal times if you robbed they would cut off your arm, and in public to. That is why the world was much more sane back then, then it is now... Now cops are getting killed in Florida lots of them..." I am trying to point evidence that if we allow the death penalty, the world migh be a safer place with less crime, I'm not saying that we should go to the traditions I'm stating that strict laws and penalties would help (An opinion) the world become sane again... And I enjoy being Con, if it wasn't for me you would all be agreeing on the same crap and this wouldn't be a debate YAY! By the way the sentence above was suppose to sound happy like freinds talking... I'm not trying to sound like a ****, because I'm getting the feeling that's how you think I sound.
The world was more sane back in medieval times? No it wasn't, people back then would be burned at the stake because someone thought they were a witch. Thats not sane and I'm not sure you are either. you've never heard of something called cruel and unusual punishment have you? The US took a step forward by getting rid of unfair punishments and you have to be the first ever person I've heard who wants to bring them back. Maybe you should be executed for criticizing our government, they used to do that to.
Two things... 1. Get rid of your sig... 2. This is a debate... EDIT: Never mind two things, but your saying i'm not sane, firgures. At least i'm not flaming someone for simply pointing out their opinions. Jesus, either I have to go along with the flow or get raped by the crowd, seriously I joined this discussion to simply voice out a little and I keep saying that I'm not trying to sound like someone who is completely evil, nor am I trying to sound like a Anti-Christ. In fact I keep stating that I'm trying to be freindly about this. But clearly everyone ignores that part and says... "Oh look he said everyone in jail should die... He is clearly a phsycopath and deserves to die and never speak again" And yea sure you say I'm insane, but you don't even know me. Don't judge me because I said one bad thing... There are thousands of bad things people think about... I'm sure that everyone who has been disagreeing and then spitting at me basically is saying that I should burn in hell...
Being hypocritical is not exactly a bad thing. If someone purposely kills for personal gain or satisfaction, it is not just possible, but probable that he/she would do it again. Why should we pay to sustain them in prison when they are the ones that committed the crime? I'm sorry if I'm being thick, but I fail to think of a category of prisoner who that is more dangerous than a murderer, without resorting to murder themself. Right and wrong are almost always completely dependent on the situation. Was it right to defend yourself against the man who attempted assault on you, who could have very well killed you? Yes. Was it right even though as a result the assailant dies. This is the question you claim to be a 'no.' That it is wrong to defend yourself if as a result you have to kill another.
Yes I know this is late, but... Why the hell did your form a debate if you don't want a Con??? Basically your asking for a everyone agree with me debate...
ROFLMAO No one ever said they think you should burn in hell. The thing was your opinion was so far out there that it was beyond just disagreeing with, I mean it was downright ridiculous. Also we'd still be debating about appropriate use of the death penalty or wether it should be used if you hadn't posted, you just went so far in favor of the death penalty (I have never ever heard anyone say what you were saying before) that no matter who enters the thread they are bound to disagree with you. Chill out no one hates you.
*sigh* Ok then... I'll stop posting here... And... I've got nothing else to say... and Thanks... Your the first to actually say something nice while debating...
You can debate this, just try not to be so offensive. And remember people, attack the problem, not the person. Try to keep it civil in here
[for the record, himis genaric for a human, not a man. A woman can kill a loved one just as good as a man] I feel the Death penalty Is by far the worse choice of action one could take when seeking justice. If a man were to kill my sister, or mother, or Lover, I would want them to suffer. Death is no suffering... death is the beggnining to the rest of their existance. The death chair brings an end to my want.. my want for him to feel the contiunal never ending torment that I would feel until the day I die. "The Minority Report" was an interesting movie. The new city had found three children whocould predict a murder before it happened. To Guarency. meaning no matter what course of action taken, the murder would happen. therefore a task force, using this knowledge, would seize the criminal during the act, just before the death took place. then for the rest of his life, the murder would be played before him while he layed in a vegitative state... this would surely fullfill MY want for revenge. He would be tormented by his actions forever. Not saying we will one day see the futur, but maybe by playing the present to our enemies and villians they will seek true redemption of the crime they commitied. -Aranore-
Contradicting your point, although it was well said, your want for their suffering isn't necessary, because it will never bring your loved one back. I saw a documentary about life of Death Row, and the redemption these people feel every day is enough to make them want to die. They accept death as a suitable resolution for their crime, and them suffering would be overkill(not to make a Halo pun)
but many on the row take chair or needle as a way out. they fear the suffereing they know they will face if they live due to their crimes. they fight the system trying not to receive the chair, but ultamatly they couldnt want farther from it. the chair saves them, and gives them a "get out of suffereing" card.....some now the suffereing will NEVER return the loved one. But then why even have a justice system at all? that is why it is called Justice: to deliver Justice. Juctise is the equal reaction based on an action. now, dont jump then gun saying "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' [aka: muder of life = death penelty] Think of math... 10 = 10 death of loved one / criminal = 10 redemption and suffering = 1 death of loved one = suffering and redemption 10 = 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 the system of JUSTICE needs both sides to be even. not identical.
Its wholly inconvenient and, frankly, quite unnecessary to keep a criminal alive just for your satisfaction. Its your business if you want them to suffer, but I don't care to contribute my tax dollars to the cause.
you say that before even speaking to those that do suffer from murders. those tha face everydayknowing justice was not served. knowing that the suffering they have to feel is only theirs. and that the murderer got away with a quickdeath. dont jump guns if you have never actualy held them before,,, and again, as Nemihara has sated several times, the death penalty is MORE expensive then having them live their lives. Aka: if you hate contributing your tax dollars to this cause, you would want them alive. it's cheaper
There are obviously other ways of execution other than the electric chair, like lethal injection thats been prooven that it's like have a heart attack and getting stabbed at the same time, believe it or not someone survived it and gave this evidence.
I completely agree with your point. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of our society's morals. I'm talking about murderers who continue to kill and harm others while still in prison. I think you are confusing "right" and "wrong" with "justified" and "unjustified". If you accidentally kill someone while defending yourself, it's justified, but that doesn't necessarily make it right.
Here in Australia. We don't have the death penalty. But i think someone who has committed a harrendis crime such as serial killing and things like that where innocent lives are taken, then he should be killed himself. But in some cases it is better to put them in prison for live. Prison can be hell.
Linu, I don't see how the topic of the Death Penalty has anything to do with your current attacks on their rights for both genders, or lack thereof, so keep on topic.
well when the person that killed someone new what the penalty was once he or she ended that persons life alsowhat you gona do its like speeding and saying to the cop i dind't know we wherant supose to its a unversal law so you know on the other hand i do not belive in it