Turbo's right though. He might have great maps, but being valued has nothing to do with it. Most likely, members here will value Forgers such as TDF, DtL, Matty, and others. Most don't even know Sharpshooter. maybe one day people will value his work more. Don't need to hate on Turbo. And if he's trying to get people to sign his e-petition, then why would he want someone of the list? Wouldn't that not help him, at all? A name is a name on the petition, and every single one counts.
unfourtunately.. i agree wit everything you say. you know that you are one of the more intellegent people like sarge and turbo that i like to associate myself with.
Sharpshooter, I sent a bunch of messages out to sign this. I thought you would appreciate that. =) I sent to like 17 colored people. EDIT: E93 I think you are supr smrt 2!!!1
I dun wan sine up cuz i cud git bant 2! =[ lawl, but seriously, this is bullshit, here is my GT: TxsOutlaw003.
agreed BTW you have my rep thing 'user is a ninja squirrel' lol lets hope this gets solved besides if bungie bans all of us we can go play gow2 fable2 etc etc when they come out.....
Ohh crap I ment to say NO instead of yes... Like Dragoncoals said I don't think this will work but every little bit helps I guess, I will be glad to help in the campaign of getting un-banned. Gamertag: COMMANDERMATT1
If that happens, there's gonna be shitloads of "I HATE BUNGIE NAO!" topics lol. And a BanPacolypse, ofcourse.
GT: Pegasi Delta This is really unjust man, I understand Bungie being hot on modded content, but they should check their facts before they ban people, and the least they could do is reply to you and explain/listen to you. I'm with you on this one. You might want to make the point that this is no more of a mod than interlocking, and by the same token they should ban pretty much the whole of FH and a large portion of Bungie.net map forum users. Hell, interlocking is even used on Amplified, a Bungie endorsed map that they use on their own playlists. If they've banned you, they should ban themselves
Wow bungie f**ked up. You can add me, my cousin, and my lil sister to the list. MythicNinja, MKR D3F4UL7, and xX DANN DANN Xx
GT: TheGodfather808 Add me. I'm kinda used to this kind of stuff happening to accounts, but nonetheless, it still sucks.
As unlikely as it is to get you unbanned, I'll still gladly add my G/T I Fastforward I Eldu Safaree Add both, it can't hurt. Hopefully, at the very least, they'll tell you exactly why you were banned.