W00t W00t after half a year of playing my xbox 360 like non stop i got the red rings, plz have a moment of silence. I want a hug :*(
Have a cookie *hands a cookie* Are you going to be getting a new one, or just waiting for the repair?
I had my 360 for like, two years, then finnaly, it broke, the goddamn motherboard. I luckily, could replace it for nothing.
Microsoft claims that the old 360s have a 15% fail rate, but I think it is much, much higher than that. My guess would be about 50%....and thats a low guess.
You just kinda have to "pop" it out if you will... I got not RROD but one red light and E74 error message... I still had to get repair though...
Lightly push the button down, and as your pushing the button down, pull up the hard drive. The button is part of the hard drive, so if you push down too hard you won't be able to pull it out. Its a bit tricky, but once you do it, you'll figure out what I'm saying.
i was pushing on the button as hard as i could, lol, i figured it out when i got mad, and just pushed it lightly, lol, i thought i almost broked it lolol
Aww .. My first xbox repair wasn't a good time .. I was so bored because when i go off PC i go on xbox .. Good luck with the time the xbox is gone ..