
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by IcedFrappuccino, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    please, comment and rate!

    "Panama: 1. Famous song by Van Halen 2. Epic FFA and Team Dubs map"

    Erected by: IcedFrappuccino



    Yes, it is Panama. You might wonder why I chose this name? Lets just say, when I can't think of a map, I turn on some music to think. The song "Panama" by Van Halen came on and the light turned on.

    This was a map that was supposed to be co-forged by myself, and JoeCool58, but unfortunately, Joe's xbox got the RRoD, so the map was left in my lap. Joe and I had a pretty good idea for the map before his xbox's departure, but after some thought I decided to change it up a bit.

    Panama, is mostly made for FFA gametypes, Slayer, Oddball, Juggernaut, and Crazy King, but it is also set up for Team Doubles Slayer, Multi Flag, One Bomb, VIP, and Territories. It is also set up for 2v2v2 Slayer and KotH.

    Panama, is an enclosed map that is IMPOSSIBLE to escape out of (try it buddacrane, I dare you :D) It features a double-helix (for those who don't know what that is, click here ) in the middle of the map, with a platform stretching around it. It is covered with all of the colorful Active Camo's, Overshield's, and Custom Powerups. You can grab one of them :D You have to figure out which one though! Pictures will show off more of the map.

    Weapon Layout
    3x BR-20 Sec-2 Clip
    2x Carbine-30 Sec-1 Clip
    1x Needler-45 Sec-2 Clip
    2x SMG-45 Sec-1 Clip
    1x Sniper-90 Sec-1 Clip
    1x Grav-Hammer-120 Sec
    2x Ar-30 Sec-2 Clip
    6x Frag-10 Sec
    7x Plasma-10 Sec
    1x Regenerator-60 Sec
    1x Bubble Shield-60 Sec

    The Double Helix *NOTE* You can grab one of the powerups! You just have to find which one!

    Other Side of the DubHelix *NOTE* You can grab one of the powerups! You just have to find which one!

    The Curved Wall​

    "BR CORNER" as dubbed by Bryno​

    A View of Back Hallway​

    1 Tunnel Coming Out of Back Hallway​

    A-Corner or "Yellow Corner"​

    A View of Bottom and Pink Tunnel​

    The Back Wall​

    Action Shots

    Team Doubles Slayer

    Double No-Scope to start off the match!

    Team Doubles Multi-Flag

    Defenders Spawn

    Attackers Spawn

    I wonder who won that battle? :D

    Crazy King

    Me, failing with the hammer

    FFA Slayer

    Poor Bryno, died in the same spot twice!

    Bryno getting BR'ed

    FFA Oddball

    New weapon?

    Now, I am not normally a good photographer, but this looks pretty gnarly.

    Now, as I said before, this map is mainly made for FFA, but it is also made for Team Dubs and 2v2v2. This is a relatively small map, but it sure does pack a punch.

    I also said before that it is impossible to get out of the map (buddacrane, do your stuff). If you do find a way out, please tell me so I can start the update for v2, if needed.

    Don't ask why I name maps after songs. I already said why earlier.

    Download Panama
    #1 IcedFrappuccino, Aug 7, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
  2. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    looks intrestin , im going to dl now :) .. but what's the double helix for?
  3. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i wasnt really in the commenting mood, but i decided to check this out. I'm glad i did, it has great interlcoking, with a crazy layout. this looks like a ton fo fun. nice jbo bro.
  4. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wooh, this looks very good! I'ma download right away and go through it, i hope you set it up for all gametypes and such? You don't seem like a lazy person though. I'll play a game or two on it and get back with some thoughts.
    And hey iced, remember me from LGnation? Maybe not, but i'm there.
  5. Flames290

    Flames290 Ancient
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    Another hit from IcedFrappuccino. The map looks amzing, the interlocking is astounding, and this looks like a whole lotta fun. This is a for sure download form me 5/5

    A also liek to name my maps after songs. I can't think of any good names :p.
  6. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This looks really cool, great interlocking. However, that Double Helix isn't really a double helix. Don't get me wrong, it looks really cool, but it's technically some colorful cubes stacked on each other by the corners.
  7. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    wow this looks like alot of fun, but my only problem is pawnkilling, it looks like in one of the pics a player couldn't move before he got BR'd. that's one thing i would try to fix
  8. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Looks pretty awesome, I'm liking all of the interlocked objects sticking out of the walls. The "double helix" (well not really) is also a nice aesthetic touch, and gameplay looks great for FFA/1v1/doubles.

    Couple suggestions:

    1. If it isn't obvious which of the powerups can actually be taken, players who haven't played the map before are going to be at a disadvantage. It's the same thing w/ hidden weapons, fun for you but not so much for those getting killed by em.

    2. Not really a problem, but I'd suggest replacing the assault rifle(s?) with mauler(s?). Assault rifles are unnecessary, and a mauler or two would help balance out the grav-hammer.

    3. Get really get a good feel for the map w/o overview pics or some design picture-like thing. That would be good so people can get a good look at the layout.
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Dude Van Halen Rocks lol, thats one of my favorite songs.
    The map looks good, the double helix is pretty cool, I would just try to make the interlocking a little better. Good Job
  10. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Hm, not bad looking. The two single boxes are a nice touch. They add cover and look good. The game play seems fair. The weapon layout also seems to be well thought out. King of the Hill looks like it'll prove to be amazing. I'll download and play a few games. If I like it enough, I'll get back to you and tell you what I liked/disliked. Oh, and your OP is very well made.
  11. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Aesthetic touch, I guess :D

    I do remember you. It is set up for most gametypes. They are listed in the map description.

    Think of your favorite song or band and choose a song that seems like it would be a good map name :D

    Twas' the best I could do lol.

    There is an occasional spawn kill, but that pic was from Bryno campin' like a punk and me BR'ing him.
  12. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, this looks really cool!
    i really like that double helix thing, very original!
    in fact this whole map is original!
    never seen anything like it.
    5/5, great job!
  13. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    I am still waiting for buddacrane to tell me that he cannot get out of the map! :D
  14. Joe Cool 58

    Joe Cool 58 Ancient
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    This map looks awsome! I wish I could have been apart of it, but my X-box died (RROD) right as we started.
  15. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW! looks great loved the weapon spots hallways and the big center thing...

    merging and geography 4(looks smooth in most places)
    this is because I saw one or two spots I wasn't sure of

    weapon placement and selection 4 (there are some power weapons I would not suggest on here)

    Other stuff 5 (turrents manncannons graflifts equipment)

    Overall 4.5
  16. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gotta new stepped up rating rubric:

    Originality: 9/10
    Certainly some original ideas in here. Basically tunnels and ledges, but its really good.

    Aesthetics: 9/10
    Love the double helix. There are other great touches too, like the ledges are all finely done and its all very pretty.

    Playability: 10/10
    From the action shots, and my general knowledge of halo, I can tell this is going to be fun to play on. You always have balanced weapon sets, and this is really just a great map.

    Design: 8/10
    Well thought out, and probably took a decent amount of planning. (Don't worry, tens are only given in this section to maps that have a great amount of objects that you'd have to carefully think how to place each object)

    Construction: 10/10
    Beautiful, smooth, and a great weapon set. Nicely constructed, nicely done. You always take great care in your work, and this is no exception.

    Overall: 9/10


    Perhaps you'd like to collaborate on a map sometime, maybe we could forge together.... GT= Murdock Sampson. Invite me if you'd wanna.
  17. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    Hey man this map looks great. You have such an imagination and thats a good thing to have. The double helix was a great idea, way to be original keep up the good forging.
  18. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Hey, this is a really nice map from what i can see, I really like your Techniques and the effects you put on the pictures made them really stand out to me.
  19. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Thanks for the review murdock. I will send you a FR once I get a new mic. It just broke last night and I refuse to play xbox if I don't have one :D

    Thanks for all of the positive comments guys!

    II BEERPONG II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1. That's a double helix? o_O
    2. STOP TAKING ALL THE GOOD MAP NAMES! Margaritaville, then Panama? Cmon man!
    3. Excellent job on every other aspect of the map and gameplay.

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