If you haven't heard, Brett Favre was traded to the Jets, he is no longer a Packer. What do you think of this? He just wanted to play cause he quit and had a mid-life crisis wondering what to do now... so he decided to play again
Brett Favre will be known as one of the greatest Quarterbacks in the history of the NFL. Its a shame that it had came to the way it was before the trade. All Brett wanted to do was play. His wrong dicision if he wanted to play = Retired. The Green Bay Packers office have taking a huge, huge hit because of this. Their faults are: Not letting Brett challenge for the number one position, Not trading him like they were intimidated to do so. This has to be the worst holdout in a major sport league i have ever seen.
i didn't know this! thanks for letting me know. oh btw, paperthinwalls, what is up with ur little animation? lol
Im so happppy! Hopefully he doesnt get plagued by injurys like pennington did. im really gonna miss chad but hes always injured.
Farve is a joke. He should of retired a long time ago. Oh no he has a mid-life crisis! He has all these millions and doesn't know what to do with it all. Get his old ass off the field.
Found out about this while browsing Kotaku (of all places). Don't really care, mostly because I don't care for sports, but also because he's pretty much just a powerless figurehead at this point, so there's no real reason to care. He went through the motions, and now he's done. Get over it.
That old ass happened to lead Green Bay to a 13-3 record last year and is going to be a Hall of Famer when it is all said and done. How can you get mad at a guy for being so passionate about the game? Professional sports need more guys like him. I will admit that the media coverage of Favre's decision with retirement for 3 or so years now is kind of annoying, but he's just struggling to retire like most people (you have to think how hard it is to be so active and then once you hit retirement do nothing for the rest of your life at age 40). You also can't blame him for the ridiculous amount of cover going on about him. He has earned the right to do whatever the hell he wants at this point in time, and I really think the Packers got the bad end of the deal because Rodgers won't be as good as a first year starters as Favre was last year, and they only got a 3rd rounder out of it. Its not like Favre is performing worse at his age because he just had one of the best years of his career and is still in the shape to start and be effective for the Jet from Day 1 (starting tonight).
I'm just glad he didn't get sent to the Bucs... He is getting too old to play football... He really needs to retire... I'm also tired of the news being all over this situation
It's from "Italian Spiderman." That was pretty much my first reaction when I heard Farve was traded to the Jets. lol
OMGWTFBBQ? No I heard about it though. I like the Jets more, but now I can't tell that kid I hate, "Hey Kutz! Brett Favre retired." Then he gets all teary eyed. LOLERSKATES
i wanted him to go to the bucs so i could go see him, it would be tight to see farve play even if he does suck
Patriots will still own the Jets, and the Dolphins, and the Bills, and the Chiefs, and the 49ers, and the Chargers, and the Broncos, and the Rams, and the Colts, and the Steelers, and the Seahawks, and the Raiders, and the Cardinals, and whoever the face in the playoffs, and whoever they face in the superbowl. Enough said. Oh, and the Eagles, and the Buccaneers, and the Giants.
I think this just ruined his legacy. He should've become an announcer. A lot of legends become announcers and I think that's a good way to settle down but still be around the atmosphere of the sport you love