i know that its not up to the standards but i think you people will like these maps i am so srry but my friends want thier maps to be down loaded so dont bann me ok get the maps --> Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
this map is not up to ForgeHub's standards. Please read the mandatory sticky on top of the map posting forums. Thank you, and please fix this within the next 24 hours.
Yes, this is not up to forgehub standards. The main reason we have these standards, is because without anything to see, or look at, such as pictures, description, etc. People will not DL your (or in this case, your friends maps). Most people are not willing to DL something that they have no idea what it is they are DL, taking up precious space. So please, get some screenshots, enter a description, and fix this up to forgehub standards. EDIT: Damn.. they beat meh D=
Apparently you already know that doesn't meet the standards. So assuming that you're too lazy to actually post by the standards go ~*here*~ and there is an easy to follow template that makes it really easy to post maps properly.
By helping out the community, following the rules/standards and being an overall helpful, kind, active member.
than why post it if its not going to be up to standards than why post it go post it on bungie but not here if its not going to be up to standards
To be honest - if your friends want these maps to be downloaded, why don't they make a Forgehub account and post them properly themselves? Sorry if this seems like spam but hopefully, you'll agree that I have a point.
You do have a point! LOL! This post is spam, no one wants to download your friends maps. Nobody ever will without pictures, so stop being lazy or it proves that you put no effort in those maps.
at this rate, you don't have to worry about that. i havce told you on 3 of your maps that i would put the pics on for you, if you simply made the effort to take pics. so this is your last chance, let me help you or -rep is coming your way. a lot
Why would you expect anyone to download a map that isn't even posted properly? If you barely put any effort into your post, what would make us think you put any more effort into your map? The way I see it, if the maps were actually any good then you'd actually go through the trouble to post them properly. Since you just blew it off, the maps not be anything decent.