Debate Changing Veil's Name To Slaughtered Baby Cow

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Magekid211, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. Magekid211

    Magekid211 Ancient
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    Changing Veal's Name To Slaughtered Baby Cow​

    Should they change veal's name to slaughtered baby cow? How could you really eat a poor, defenceless baby cow? It's just wrong,sure end their life when they're young. What are your views?​
    #1 Magekid211, Aug 7, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2008
  2. TiiRent

    TiiRent Ancient
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    Who is Veil? And why whould you change the name?
  3. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Hope your kidding.

    Anyway this doesn't really seem like a debate more of a plea. And go ahead and change the name, it wouldn't stop me from eating it. Everybody already knows what it is when they're eating it. It's not like its a secret what veil is.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Isn't it spelt 'veal'? And I thought they were made of horse meat?

    And whatever it's called, I'm still going to eat it.
  5. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I know what veal and veil is. One is usually worn on wedding day, the other you eat.
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    You really should brush up on your debating skills if you want to give this topic any credibility. There is a myriad of dictionaries online to help you in the correct spelling of your topic, and I'd suggest framing an actual argument as to how infant cows are kept isolated in an enclosed room with no sunlight and injected with hormones and antibiotics to keep it's short life free from the diseases it would catch and to keep the meat nice and tender for all the unwitting fools who "know what it is" to plop down $20.00 at Olive Garden for a unfrozen slab of blind baby cow. Something like that.
    TXGhost likes this.
  7. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    Yes is it Nemi. Veal is the meat of calves (young cattle). Though veal can be produced from any calf, most veal comes from male calves of dairy cattle breeds. Compared to other meats, veal has a delicate taste and tender texture.

    Veal has been an important ingredient in Italian and French cuisine since ancient times. The veal is often in the form of cutlets, such as the Italian cotoletta or the famous Austrian dish wiener schnitzel. As veal is lower in fat than many meats, care must be taken in preparation to ensure that it does not become tough.

    As from what I posted (even tho it is cut/past from Wikipedia, I have learned this because I'm studding to be a Chef.) you can see that the name has been used for a long time so changing it now would be no point. It's not like people only use that one part of the Calf in addition to providing meat, the bones of calves are used to make a stock that forms the base for sauces and soups such as demi-glace. The stomachs are also used to produce rennet, used in the production of cheese.

    Most people do not realize that veal is produced from male (bull) dairy calves. On a dairy farm, these bull calves are not needed for replenishing the milking herd because they cannot produce milk and they are generally not used to produce beef. All dairy cows must give birth to a calf each year to provide the milk that we drink. Approximately 50% of all calves born are female calves (heifers). These heifers will eventually be used by the dairy producer to replace older cows for milking purposes. Only a very select few of all the bull calves born are used for breeding stock. Dairy producers will sell the bull calves to veal producers, either privately or through a sales barn. Therefore, bull calves can be used by the veal industry to create a quality food product.

    *waits for rebuttal
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Overall, this is basically another PETA debate, so I don't see the specific qualities that keep it from being merged together.
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Exactly. Since the OP can't spell his topic or use the 'search' function to check out the much better discussion of a similar topic (no offense IT, you had a great response) in Predicide's People Eating Tasty Animals thread, I hope this just dies now.
  10. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    As Iron says, if you are a meat eater who cares about animal welfare, you should eat veal, thus helping to reduce the wastage of their inevitable slaughter and improving their treatment through increased demand. You can eat other meats but they'll still be killed to support the dairy industry.

    Your alternative is to stop consuming dairy, so concerning veal - if you care about the issue - you can't justify being a vegetarian, you have to be a vegan... moral dilemmas indeed.

    Then we have the issue of grazing land destroying woodland due to increased demand for other meats, whilst a huge amount of veal is going to waste. So I put it to you, OP, that given dairy products are present in the vast majority of foods it can be considered hypocritical and morally objectionable to refuse to eat veal unless you are vegan.

    Now I personally eat meat and dairy, but not much veal, so I guess that makes me a 'bad person' by my own admission above. But veal is harder to buy because there is no demand. A vicious cycle if you will. So if you care enough to make this topic, I suggest you should go out, read about the subject and consider either supporting the sale of veal as a foodstuff or becoming a vegan.

    EDIT: My apologies for prolonging this thread, I agree with nemi and squid.
    Pigglez likes this.

    CHIGGUMS Ancient
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    why so serious?

    Although this may be an authenic issue at heart, I hope you all realize that this topic is just a joke from South Park. You know, one of the earlier episodes where the boys tour a cattle ranch, see what veal actually is and end up kidnapping the tasty little things in an attempt to save them? Stan breaks out in vaginas? Ring a bell?

    As for me, I think any person who is actually morally against eating veal should go join Mankind for Ethical Animal Treatment - M.E.A.T. (joke from Futurama)
  12. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    So, did you just watch south park and think you'd make a thread about it?
    IxGUNxSLINGERxI likes this.
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    O ****.
    This is totally reminiscent of the story from the book 'Bless the Beasts and Children' by Glendon Swarthout. If anyone else has read it, then you'll know what I'm talking about. From Wikipedia: The several emotionally disturbed boys away at summer camp who go on to stop a buffalo hunt. The book was published in 1970 and touches on many of the social issues of the 1960s and 1970s.
  14. NarutoHaloFan13

    NarutoHaloFan13 Ancient
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    I remember that episode...*ding ding*.Lol,but seriously this is more a plea rather than a debate section magekid

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