This does not meet ForgeHub's Standards. You have to have atleast 1 Embed pic of The map! Work on that. And do not rate your own map. That cheep, I wont Report since this is your first post. Go to the Rule bar at the top!
mason your an idiot, read the post before you, i'll help you set up your map, if you give me a link to your fileshare and the map name. also take pics and i'll put those up for you too.
You know what? I'm going to help you. Here's a link to a map posting template. Map Posting Template THESE are forgehub standards for map posting. If you don't do this, your post will be removed in 24 hours. Also, you must provide a LINK to a POSTED COMMUNITY MAP VARIANT, NOT an item on your fileshare. Why would we go through the effort to find your map if you didn't go through the effort to even post it right?
Guys read the page before posting. Like really and silence r u a minimod? And theres no pics in this thread OMG I mean.... JK thank you silence for putting a stop to allot of spam obviously coming.
He has 24 hours to get this post up to standards. Any posts beyond this point, saying this is not up to standards, will be deemed as spam, and will result in an infraction. Thanks for the report silence.
Maybe this will help you. Rules - ForgeHub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps Template - Embedding Tutorial -
This video. Follow this step by step when you make a new thread for you map. After 24 hours, a map thread is locked. So just get it set up prior to actually hitting post.