Hello, I am looking for a graphic design artist of some talent to design me a Signature and Matching avatar. Theme: Ava: Monitor/ Snowy Sig: Wolf/ Animals / Snow animation Colour Schemes: Blues and whites, Icy/ Snowy Text: WyntersByte SubText: I Wynters I Size: 150x150 Avatar, 100x500 Signature. Thanks in advance to anyone who could do this for me. I suppose I can offer plus rep to anyone who attempts it but obviously I will use my favorite.
Go send a message to Yavimayan, hes awesome, but you have to send him a few messages or he wont read them
I've been working on this for a while now, what do you think? Avatar will be coming soon. EDIT: Ok, I've finished the avatar. If you want snow falling in the avatar I can do that.
Drax, Sorry I haven't got back to you. I have been compiling lists all day. I absolutely Love the signature, and the Avatar is amazing as well. Its wonderful and I thank you very much. +Rep for you. By the way, anyone who still wants to post sigs and avys are welcome to. EDIT: Drax, i wish you could patent the snow animation or something LOL to keep people from using it. I like being original.
'Snow anima-' Wut? Who said that? Naww I already kinda knew how to (Tutorial) but I never had a sig that would be fit for it. Nice work on it. (Drax)