
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Forge|Designer|C13, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    Ventalation , is a re make of my first map vents. I decided to do a re make because;

    . I needed to make a plan ( previously I didn't )
    . I needed something unique aka my style of hidden game play
    . I needed to incorporate new ideas or developed ideas such as my door's

    I then sat down and came up with a plan, I then made this map . Tested it with others made improvements such as Delayed spawn times for certain item's. This was done on purpose and you will probably not appreciate it as much as I and the tester's.

    So this is my map's overview or the best I could do.


    The stairs leading to mid platforms


    The top view


    And finally the bottem of my map


    This map has plenty of cover and makes you use it, it is a tactical map depending on where you start and go you can be on-top of everyone or even struggling to survive. This map Is best played on slayer and Infection. But can be played or set up for others. Could be interesting to see this on king of the hill.

    Note: methods used

    . unlimited money glitch
    . Geo-merging
    . Turret door's ( My own method )

    Ventulation download here <-------------------------------

    Warning this map is diferent to the bellow Vent's please see this!

    Turret method ( for people who where asking )

    ok well i got this idea after seeing people using telo's at the base or merged into door's. But i thought why not go through the door? into the room.

    So a simple way around this would be just to put a telo' in the other room.

    But i thought even better what if i place a turret, that way you could enter the turret get off it and be in another room.

    But just by simpely putting a turret behinde a door didnt work , because you would exit just at the side of it, so i found a soulution by putting a turret against a wall and then by putting a wall at either side of the turret. This way you exit at the other side.

    You can also use objects such as fusion ... and objects that can be moved as a switch, because when that item is moved you cant exit into the other room. Instead you exit where the item was placed aka the side of the door.

    Also you have the option to rip a turret off so others cant follow you in.

    i could realse a map and tutorial if people want. . i never thought . .

    sorry for spelling's on this section because i just quickly posted this part , thanks
    #1 Forge|Designer|C13, Aug 7, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2008
    ScarFac3d likes this.
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    VERY good gameplay on this map. as fun as pallet parade! nice floating and nice geo-merging. did you use interlocking at all? if not then you should make one with it. 5/5 even without interlocking!
  3. zoner117

    zoner117 Ancient
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    It looks good. I like how everything is perfectly smooth. I love the fence merging. I will download ASAP 5/5
  4. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    By interlocking i take it you mean , puting one item into another because if so yes :) thanks for the feedback
  5. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    It gives a nice feel, but still it could use some work. Some interlocking is sloppy and the general makeup of the map could use some work. Make a V2 sir. =)
  6. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    i posibley will do , il start on it verry soon , asap and will let you know please let others know about this so i can get feedback and inprove. I know some of it may look sloppy but that's just asthetics and can be inproved
  7. chrisere07

    chrisere07 Ancient
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    Looks like a really good map i say 5/5

    intresting game play too!
  8. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I really like this map, but did you just take off a ceiling for pictures or is that wall really only one unit high on your third picture,if so that spells E-S-C-A-P-E
  9. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    wow this looks very nice to play on it could be a real big hit great job
  10. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    Hi i know what you said but i havent been able to get out yet , and even if you do it would be your own fault as there is no acsess back in , i think the invisble barrier stop's you anyway.

    ps. anyone who want's to help design v2' pleade pm. and also leave me with some info such as why i should let you help and what qualities you have thanks :)
  11. Godsend024

    Godsend024 Ancient
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    Looks like a really well made map,
    I think it would play well with Swat from the pictures.
    I am downloading now.
  12. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Great map, I can see you put a lot of work into it. The interlocking you used in some places is immaculate. I'm glad you put pleny of cover in the map, as that is one of the most important things too.

    Sure I can see 1 problem, but it's only 1, a minor one too. As Zachery9990 has already mentioned, it looks like you can escape in a few places but I hope in a V2, you may fix this. Also, geo-merging the open boxes on the ground floor may benefit this map. Overall, I think this map deserves a round of applause :p 4/5
  13. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    what are turret doors?
    i know its your own method but who knows it may become the next best thing since interlocking
  14. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    ok well i got this idea after seeing people using telo's at the base or merged into door's. But i thought why not go through the door? into the room.

    So a simple way around this would be just to put a telo' in the other room.

    But i thought even better what if i place a turret, that way you could enter the turret get off it and be in another room.

    But just by simpely putting a turret behinde a door didnt work , because you would exit just at the side of it, so i found a soulution by putting a turret against a wall and then by putting a wall at either side of the turret. This way you exit at the other side.

    You can also use objects such as fusion ... and objects that can be moved as a switch, because when that item is moved you cant exit into the other room. Instead you exit where the item was placed aka the side of the door.

    Also you have the option to rip a turret off so others cant follow you in.

    i could realse a map and tutorial if people want. . i never thought . .
  15. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    the map has good interlocking and all but the bridges that run along the middle is not a great idea and what are turret doors?
  16. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    i have wrote up about them just above your comment on page 2 , thanks.
  17. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    map looks pretty well made, nice gameplay. some cool interlocking, and nicxe aesthenics. would i say itas as fun as pallet parade, like the first post? no. pallet parade was a very unique map, with more interlocking, but this is a good map, its unfair to compare anything to pallet parade.
  18. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    lol fair enough i have to admit that is one good map lol , .. but hey ho you never know what im plannig on next .. i have had some thoughts and i am going to make a new map before i make v2' of ventulation.

    This may take some time but keep looking owt for it , il keep you updated on my blog..

    Im making a new map first because i want people's views on Ventulation .. so i know what i exactly need to change and how i can inprove it. Thanks for evreyones suport. I really enjoy reading your comments and this is what makes time spent worth while . :)
  19. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    I will give it a 5/5

    Maps in progress:
    Longest: Brainstorming, Forging,Testing,Edit,Posting
    ScarFac3d likes this.
  20. ScarFac3d

    ScarFac3d Ancient
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    Great map dude, 5/5 and +rep for you! I sent you a message, maybe we could forge together sometime.

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