4 wireless 360 controllers 1 guitar hero guitar 1 rock band guitar 1 rock band drum set 9 PS2 controllers 5 NES controllers 4 Atari Controllers 1 gamecube controllers (<WTF I have never owned a gamecube) 2 PC controllers 4 Original X-box controllers Holy Crap i have a lot of controllers. 32 total
Nope My sister, my dad and I all have 3 a piece. I have 3 custom painted ones; my sister has a regular, a mini, and a wireless; My dad has a regular, one with a rubber grip, and an air-flow
oh, alright. My dog chewed threw one of the controller's wires. My brothers friend accidentally melted one of the other ones and gave us a cheap one in return, which stopped working. I think now I have 3 working ones, 2 wireless and one wired. One of the ones I had was evil. It had a mind of its own. I was in the middle of a game, and suddenly the pasue menu opens up scrolls down to "exit game" and hovered over the yes option. It was at that point where I decided not to use that controller any more.
That's pretty creepy. yeah i found a gamecube controller in my room and i don't have a gamecube and have never owned one
That's really strange. Since this is a thread on controllers... How retarded were these My mate had one of these controllers, I dreaded having to use it. I'd have to rest it on my knee sometimes.
3 wired controllers (only 1 works) 2 wired controllers (both work) 2 guitar hero controllers (both work) ^_^
I think you messed that up. Was the extension "less" supposed to be added to one of those "controllers"
What!? I could barely keep hold of the monstrocity. I'd have to my release grip and pull my hand over to press start.