I still did not say any thing to you in the previous statement. The desktop can be customized to what ever you want to be on there and I have had that same desktop way longer than I ever had the signature done. You can also customize your signature what ever way you want it and that picture of me knee boarding is what I want. I have the freedom to have what I want just as same as you do. But you still saying that about me is very unnecessary.
What is narcissistic? Sorry I just don't really know what it means. Here is my original Desktop the one that isnt me with down syndrome and drooling. <insert sarcasm here
narcissism Main Entry:nar·cis·sism Pronunciation: \ˈnär-sə-ˌsi-zəm\ Function:noun Etymology:German Narzissismus, from Narziss Narcissus, from Latin NarcissusDate:1822 1 : egoism, egocentrism 2 : love of or sexual desire for one's own body — nar·cis·sist \ˈnär-sə-sist\ noun or adjective — nar·cis·sis·tic \ˌnär-sə-ˈsis-tik\ adjective I had to look it up for myself too.And why do you start things like these Reynbow? Is it that fun to piss people off?
I like to swear lots n lots n lots. Someone please teach me some manners. One day, I could be a spaceship, and fly around the oceans. Whilst playing the violin, of course.
Putting a cool picture of your self as your desktop is no different then using it as a avatar. Hes free to do it if he wants to and its not narcissistic at all. Its like if your friend took a picture of you on a bike doing a flip, I would want that as a background. Now take of picture of your self posing and make it your background is narcissistic. Not doing a stunt/sport. And Reynbow, that was a little mean and un-called for. You started a fight over a desktop back ground and insulted him. He can't control how he looks as he surfing, its like asking a baskete ball/foot balll played to smile smile during a game for pictures... anyways back on top heres my desktop..
Generally, yes? I only call it how I see it. If people take offence to that or can't handle that then that is their problem. If anyone has something bad to say about me they generally say it. I can take it. For example, I get so much **** hate it's not funny. But you don't see me reporting posts or crying over it. Do you? Not reporting posts... Hmm...
His signature is indeed win.... But this is the G&A section everyone. The point of this thread, is to post your desktop... SO POST YOUR DAMN DESKTOPS! Since I obviously need to continue it, I shall.