Debate Do you think the Government have the right to take away your money and ...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FordCalvin, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. FordCalvin

    FordCalvin Ancient

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    Do you think the Government have the right to take away your money and give it away to poor people because it's only fair? I mean really you did all the hard earned work. The poor person should just try to get a job. The Government shouldn't just give them the free ride out!

    Has Socialism gone to far?

    Income Taxes were just there in the 1920's to pay for WW1 and we still have them today. What are your views on them?
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The thing is, the basis that we are all created equal is fundamentally flawed, and yet we base freedom and liberties off of it. A mentally retarded person is not the same as a person with normal mental faculties, and yet it's considered okay to take money from the person who works hard for the community as a whole and give it to the mentally impaired person who has little positive impact on the community as a whole. Napoleon had a system of meritocracy, where people were given jobs and other benefits based on the demonstrated skill that they had. Today, we basically try to say, 'everyone is equal', and try to achieve that. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is comparable to Robin Hood, except in this case our government would be taking our money and be giving it to those who don't have as much money. Sure, there are select cases where the poor individuals do work hard and still not earn as much money. However, with today's education system, it's wholly possible for an incredibly impoverished person to go to school, get a good education, and get a good job. The stereotypical 'lazy rich kid' obviously aren't appreciative of the good fortune they had of being born into a well-off family, but that's something that can't be helped with. To sum it up, the government is wholly justified in taking your money, but there are so many better ways to use that money than simply welfare projects.
  3. M715ForLife

    M715ForLife Ancient
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    No. I have a problem with the Gov'ment taking MY money, which I worked for. I do believe, however, that bad things happen to good people. IE, a man working at a HomeDepot, lost his job as a Nuclear fisicist.
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Our capitalist system was designed to promote competition. The problem is the gap between the lower and upper class is growing at a steady rate. The wealthiest 1% of America currently owns more than 50% of the nation's wealth. As this gap grows, it becomes more and more difficult to move up from whatever class you are currently in.

    I think it is our responsibility to help those who need it. The fact that so many of you are unwilling to help is very disappointing. Most of the taxes you pay are to help build roads and fund school programs. Social Security is another issue to be discussed entirely....
    Pegasi likes this.
  5. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    2's all relative. You live in the states, you pay lower income tax and nearly no sales tax, yet have a high cost of living do to your increased amount of people.

    People in Canada pay higher levels of tax yet have a lower cost of living. Neither our society, nor yours is even close to perfect. Societies that are actually the most well off are in the Scandinavian parts of the world.

    You gotta look at it this way: You pay tax on much stupider things than welfare. You pay tax for GWB golf trips, and his stupid wars. If you want to get into what stupid tax is, than you've started a debate on wars. All that matters is: if you were in a different situation than you are now, your opinion would be different. Biased views are based on your monetary status alone. But either way, paying the tax or not..that money is never going to your pocket :)
  6. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    Move to Rapture then, lol. (Bioshock joke).

    #6 Verno, Aug 9, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008

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