Ithica V2 Ok so I listened to your comments about the last Ithica and basically everyone said it needed more cover/ it was too open. So in this V2 you will find a second bunker to find cover behind, the attackers now have geomerged cover (user requested), 2 catapults, and there are now more weapons on the map (mostly on the attacker side(user requested)(lots of parens)). When the attackers spawn they will not be at risk of any spawn killing (user requested). The smart ones will run up and find cover behind a geomerged double box that has barriers on its flanks. To their right they will see two catapults that can be fired at the base at the risk of the firerer being subjected to fire from the main turret. (that's alot of fire). If they continue to their right they will come to the bunker that was also there in the first Ithica. But if they turn to their left while behind the geomerged double box they will find a second bunker that has a carbine a mauler and overshields. I hope this version met your desires of more cover. Weapons: BR x4 Carbine x6 Mauler x1 Sniper x2 Shotgun x1 Bubble Shield x1 Regen x1 Camo x1 Overshields x1 Needler x1 Attackers Spawn The attackers main cover The two catapults The right bunker (known as blue bunker because of the camo) The left bunker (or the red bunker) The sniper tower An overview of the base A 2nd overview of the base All floors are interlocked!!! Download Plz comment criticism is always helpful (and degrading) This map is meant for CTF but some people said it would be great for zombies
i guess this is an okay map, but it needs much more cover and structures. 3/5 cause of bad gameplay and bad cover
The attackers can use the man cannons but it's up to them it doesnt matter that much cuz the turret will get half their shields down by the time they get over the wall
ahhh much better but still a bit too open i like the mancannon launchers though.ill have some fun withe those
you should put a cover over the man cannons just big enough to fit the fusion coils so the attackers don't use them.
This map doesn't play very fun at all. Even if it is too open I played with 8 people in Team Slayer and really it's just boring and everyone was begging me to end the game. 1.5/5.
Look, I really like these maps and it looks like you worked hard on it and the interlocking is very nice, but ithink it need a little more thinking on balance. Even maps that arn't symetrical are balance in the way people can get to people and where weapons are and I can't say this map has enough of that. And like some one else said, maybe dd another level to make it more interesting. Hope I helped. Zachary9990
all i have to say is what is this? not very good gameplay ive already tested s o don't say anything also theres not much stuff