That looks really cool, the only thing that bugs me is the scoring system. I can see where your going with the bombs but wouldn't Territories be a cleaner way to win, but I guess its cooler to end with a bang. I can see a lot of fun moments on this map.
Pretty good idea .. I'm not sure if you said this but how do you win/lose? How do you get points? Apart from that it looks great! Good job! =]
lol i like this map! such a weird idea but oh well. 5/5 for the gameplay, the neat interlocking, and the idea
You push the spool to a certain point and it will allow you to arm a bomb. And to the person who suggested a cleaner way to score, you are probobly right but I like explosions. Thanks.
Yeah, thats the best name I could think of. if you find a better one, I could possibly make it for a version 2 if I make one.
YES FINALY TUG A WAR but i think you should of made it teritories so that right when you get 2 terretories you win
That's neat. You see too many puzzle maps nowadays. It's a simple map but it doesn't need to be complex. It's a great idea.
BUt puzzle maps are so much fun. and thanks. I'm debating weather I'm going to release a version two or not so if I do I will try to make it territories.
Good map, and it wasnt Stin10's idea, it was mine, he was just helping me make it lol. And it was nothing near this, we were using a soccer ball in a tube thats floating in the air, and when the soccerball was pushed to your side you would fall off the hill(the tube) and the other person would score.
I remember that and we were talking about it and we decided that they weren't really alike. Are you still gonna post yours?
May I recommend switching the ball spawns, I have been enjoying this map since release and found this also adds more tactics, and makes the rounds last a bit longer. It requires 1 person to have to carry the ball to the other end preventing them from shooting. I find it much more fun and challenging.
j we are going to have to play this at rhyans sometime( i dont know when). im curious, it looks like a lot of fun, and i want to see how it plays.