it does have Gaussian blur, but he was talking about selective gaussian blur. which PS does not have.
Lock, every time I open a Render, it opens in a different box. How do I do it so it opens in the First Box?
On the main Tab, click on File > Dialogs > Layers On the layers tab, just click on The little eye to make it invisible and highlight the one you want to draw on. btw, how do blur it? EDIT: Nvm, I got it.
Here's how it turned out. I had to do it twice, because it froze when I was almost done the first time. But at least now I know how to work it better...
Seems to me that this is actually a PS tutorial. I don't think GIMP has filters, but I don't really have a clue. Anyways, this is a great tutorial. I would like to see more like this in here and maybe we could create an archive sticky with the links to tutorials that are created in the graphics forum. I like seeing tutorials on such stuff. Anyways, once again LOCKdownN, nice tutorial.
Nice tutorial bro. Just watermark every image... Its what I do so no one rips the thread. If I can find a tutorial of mine I will post.
1 biggie question? ok how do you put the brushes into GIMP cause it's annoying but please someone help