BM Church Created by hselaisse (tag: Black Theorem) Supported Gametypes: ANY FORM OF SLAYER IS APPROPRIATE, BUT THIS WAS MEANT AS A MEETING ROOM FOR CLANS, AND ALSO FOR MACHIMINA SETS. Map Description First of all I would just like to say I have been a devotee to ForgeHub for almost a year now. i had never posted anyting before, mainly because I was too lazy to. But now, after I have now made multiple maps, i feel like it's time to share. Basically this is a church that i had made for my clan, the Black Mafia. we used this as a meeting or conference room for clans that are serious about organization. There are pews for the many onlookers, honored seats for the distinguished in the clan, and, across the bridge connecting top mid to lift 2, special placed for the group leaders to sit. Although this is not designed to resemble an actual church, like Bart's Church, this, i feel was different than the other posts seen in the Aesthetics section. I hope you like it. _________________________________________________ Overview of the Church Down the Aisle The Centerpiece (with floor ornament laid down) Another angle of Aisle The Balcony (usually for the choir) Playroom for the immature kids It's the pastor, Fr. Theorem (always in black!) Black Mafia Insignia IN the Map _________________________________________________ I gove credits to Bungie for a great and awesome game, my clan leader, Black Logik, for the inspiration, and my brother, Black Koncept, for letting me use the 360 for forging when he wanted to do matchmaking. Thank you all, and be sure to COMMENT and DOWNLOAD!!! DOWNLOAD LINK: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
first time ive seen a church on black out if you interlock and geomerge this it will looks alot better i like the gravity hammer candles
wow this is a pretty good first post, except that you have two of the same image of the aisle's. and i fail to see the special seats for us special people
oh im sorry. the seats are on the short bus. lol!!!!! jus kidding, they are on the sides of the middle platform and along the side ramps in the main section. EDIT: the picture is fixed now.
This is the coolest map I've seen on Blackout, yet. It could use some 'cleaning up' though (Interlocking more parts, make walls straighter).
Dont worry. Keep in mind that the V2 is coming soon... Whoa you're kevlar! you made the recon helmet map! i didnt think i'd get a comment from you!
WOW! First time that I ever seen a church on blackout before. It needs more interlocking and it will turn out neater than it is. But its funny, Black Mafia. No offense or anything but its a funny name for a clan.
lol, i never would have thought of making a church on blackout! good job! Some stuff could be straightened out, though. like the center masterpiece. 4/5
thanks! and keep the comments coming! the more downloads, the more i think ill release the V2 in ForgeHub...
this map looks great! Ya I hate clans, but my friend is in one so I can tell her to show this to their leader^^.
its pretty nice, if i made machinima i might use it, and people pleeeez, who cares if it doesnt interlock, its not such a big deel