Dr. Spy

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Gravedigger5454, Aug 6, 2008.


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  1. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Dr. Spy
    Created by Creep1ng De4th


    Dr. Spy is a unique new minigame "sport" creation. Unlike most similar minigames, Dr. Spy is not an assault variant. Instead in Dr. Spy, you score points when your "spy" makes it across to the other teams side and captures their flag. Only your spy is capable of getting across the center line. If your not a spy, you should try to eliminate the other team, including both their doctor and spy. Each player has three lives; players who play as a "doctor" can use regenerators to themselves and their team mates alive.

    The arena itself offers ample cover and is split down the middle by fence walls. This allows you to shoot the other team without crossing over if you are normal. All normal players are gold colored and show overshields making it easier to see who you are shooting at and also to confuse the other team if you are caught off guard on the wrong side. Players are also set at 200% gravity (less jumping ability) and 90% power with 2x overshields and 50% shield regeneration. This means that once you are depleted you will recover much slower than normal and this is where the doctor comes in. Since I can't make only 1 player be the doctor like the real game, all players are able to pick up regens and be shooters and doctors. Helping your teammates recover will be vital since you only have 3 lives per round, so make them count!

    Basically you will drop into the arena from the elevated starting points with your trusty BR and magnum. To your right is the Mongoose, and to your left is the Infirmary with the Spy CPU,Regen,Overshield, and Weapons. Power up to take cover and take aim at the other team and shoot through the fence walls in an attempt to kill/distract the other team. While this is going on your spy should be taking advantage of the commotion going on and be able to sneak in and steal the flag. Make it back over the fence to your score point without dying and you have a successful Dr. Spy game!

    It is recommended that you determine who is the Spy before the match, that way you can focus on the task at hand but if you wanna switch it up feel free. Right now the game lasts 3 (4 minute max) rounds with 3 scores to win a round. Enjoy!

    #1 Gravedigger5454, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2008
  2. Soviet Skibum

    Soviet Skibum Ancient
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    Looks like a fun game. I never played it in gym class though.

    How does the spy become invisible? Is there a custon powerup or is this some sort of gypsy magic you've got going here?
  3. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    this looks increadibly fun
    gratz on the feature
    havent seen a minigame on the featured list in a while congratz
    awsome name and i like how the game works
  4. MLG Ninja

    MLG Ninja Ancient

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    This is cool, im going to download it, i got a ? though, is the docter the only one able to pick stuff or what?
  5. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Wow. This is a very imaginative game that really streches the limits of the gametypes. The map does a good job of accomadating the gameplay also. I just have one question, and that is, how does the game allow settings for the spy to be different than base players?

    But this really is a great game. As long as we have minds out there like this, I'm sure I'll never go outside. (I probably will be forced to at some point... but its not like I wouldn't rather be playing halo.)
  6. mox rocker

    mox rocker Ancient
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    this is very creative for a map and I like the idea of using team work and stratagy you have to use in it
  7. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I've played this several times, and I've enjoyed it each and every time. It's a great mix of mini-game style and competitive style. Great job on the map, Creep1ng!

    The custom power-up. It's the yellow glowing orb.
  8. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    lawl i know what a custom power up is. i just wasn't paying attention when it said stuff about the custom i guess. so i was confused. thanks though
  9. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    So can the "spy" be a doctor at the same time? Is there really a doctor class at all or can anyone in the universe just throw regenerators around?

    Either way, it's a really cool concept. This i a pretty creative minigame, and sounds like it'd be a blast with a large party. I'm gonna have to dl and try this one. For now, 4/5
  10. Soviet Skibum

    Soviet Skibum Ancient
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    Does anyone have a video of gameplay?
  11. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    this seems like a very interesting game... i dont find myself scanning the mini games forum so this really surprised me when it was on the front page. i usually dont play too much mini games, but this one has really grabbed my attention. im definitely going to download and i'll be playing this whenever i get the chance. I got this and TNT Polo and my que of mini games to play.

    I love it when mini game maps are featured tho. since i dont look around the mini-games that much, when you guys feature one, it's a map i obviously have to play because it's extremely fun.
  12. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    this looks like so much fun i had to dl before i posted, i dint want to lose link
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

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    My name is LIGHTSOUT, and I approve of this map. Fantastic gameplay, and highly original. The limited lives really add an extra sense of urgency and intensity rarely seen in mini-games. Congrats on this well-deserved feature Creep!
  14. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
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    ummm it seems like great gameplay and stuff but i don't really like the map much... sorry, but anywayz good iidea
  15. TyRant Hacker

    TyRant Hacker Ancient
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    sounds interesting and different, it's in my q.
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  16. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    TNT polo.... anyways this looks like a completely different minigame and is the next big thing since zombies in halo 2 in halo 4 SPY will be a gametype lol this is awsome and im gonna dl right now and play you should make more maps around the same concept its really cool try making some new twists in other maps if you ever decide to make one.
  17. Minoraptor

    Minoraptor Ancient
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    this map and gametype would have taken a long time too make...very well thought out
  18. LaTurno11

    LaTurno11 Ancient
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    this proves to look like alot of fun i hope to see this in the new TGIF.i cant wait to play this with my buddies. :)

    Senior Member

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    I remember play testing this map a long time ago with my friend Orangeremi. When I first played it I did'nt quite understand how to play, but then after some people explained the game to me I quickly got to like it more and more.

    And now it's great to see it featured on forgehub because it's really fun to play when your not in the mood to be very competitive. But you still need to have some kind of stratagy to play and win.
  20. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    well this look really fun, im gunna have to try it.

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